Inside the University 1038 - Curu Curu Guard Back Attack

Inside the University 1038 - Curu Curu Guard Back Attack

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Now instead of going overhead, Gustavo pushes his opponent away from him and then rolls onto his side, forcing his opponent to post his hands on the side. From here, Gustavo shows how he can swing his legs to sit up out the backdoor, and get to the other side to attack the back.

Inside the University 1037 - Curu Curu Guard Overhead Sweep

Inside the University 1037 - Curu Curu Guard Overhead Sweep

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From his Curu Curu guard, Gustavo rocks his opponent and extends his legs up over his head, forcing his opponent to base on his hands. Now instead of trying to back roll, Gustavo dumps his opponent over to the side and sits up ready to pass the guard. He can also set this sweep up sometimes if his opponent tries to back step his leg out of the guard.

Inside the University 1036 - Curu Curu Guard Off-Balancing

Inside the University 1036 - Curu Curu Guard Off-Balancing

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Moving on from the Curu Curu guard setup, Gustavo shows how to off-balance your opponent from this position. He can either roll onto his shoulder and off-balance him to the side, or he can pull him up and off-balance him over his head.

Inside the University 1035 - Curu Curu Guard Setup and Basics

Inside the University 1035 - Curu Curu Guard Setup and Basics

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To begin this lesson on the Curu Curu guard, Gustavo goes over the proper set up and covers a few different grip variations and off balances, before diving into the sweeps.

Inside the University 1015 - Preventing the Guard Pass while Sitting Down

Inside the University 1015 - Preventing the Guard Pass while Sitting Down

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Nick answers some students' questions on how to prevent the guard pass while sitting down, and goes into the importance of not letting your opponent control your legs or pants to set up his guard pass.

Inside the University 998 - Refining the Stack Pass Recovery Drill

Inside the University 998 - Refining the Stack Pass Recovery Drill

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Nick corrects some mistakes his students are making on the drill and answers questions on how to perform the movement properly. He also explains how to incorporate the drill into an actual training scenario.

Inside the University 997 - Stack Pass Guard Recovery Drill

Inside the University 997 - Stack Pass Guard Recovery Drill

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Now for another guard recovery drill, Nick has one knee between him and his opponent, and his opponent is swimming his arm under the other leg to stack and pass. Nick shows how he can push his opponent's elbow to gain better leverage with his leg and turn his hips to recover his guard.

Inside the University 996 - Feet on the Hips Guard Retention Drill

Inside the University 996 - Feet on the Hips Guard Retention Drill

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To start the lesson, Professor Nick Schrock shows a guard retention drill to work on keeping your opponent in front of you. While on your back, your opponent steps around to the side. Your outside foot comes up to his hip and you use him as leverage to square yourself up to him. He moves to the other side and you repeat.

Josh Hinger Guillotine Series 2 - Guillotine Setup to Anaconda Choke

Josh Hinger Guillotine Series 2 - Guillotine Setup to Anaconda Choke

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In this situation, Josh has sprawled on his opponent after he shot on him. After securing his guillotine grip, Josh sits into his "Gangster" guard and is able to put his opponent on his side with very limited mobility. Here Josh is able to trap arm with his legs and drag it across the neck, so he can lock up a tight anaconda choke.

Inside the University 990 - Collar Drag to Defend Toreando Pass

Inside the University 990 - Collar Drag to Defend Toreando Pass

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Professor Nick Schrock uses this class as a Q&A session to answer his students' questions, the first being how to defend the toreando pass. When his opponent has both grips on his pants, Nick likes to make a strong collar grip and hit a collar drag. Because his opponent's hands are occupied with pants grips, it's hard for him to react in time and Nick can get the back or the sweep.

Inside the University 984 - Protecting with Your Elbow

Inside the University 984 - Protecting with Your Elbow

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Saulo covers some details on preventing the pass, focusing on the importance of protecting yourself with your top elbow. While your bottom elbow stays tucked to your body, your top elbow stays pointed up with your arm out keeping separation between your body and your opponent's body.

Inside the University 983 - Anticipating the Guard Pass

Inside the University 983 - Anticipating the Guard Pass

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Now Saulo covers how to prevent your opponent from passing by first anticipating the pass and reacting. He falls to his side with his elbows in and his shield up. Next he bridges and then uses can move in a few different ways to either sit up for the underhook, spin to recover guard or turn belly down.