JJU 17-15 Straight Armlock

JJU 17-15 Straight Armlock

Add to Favorites 1746 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Xande explains how to set up the straight armlock when your opponent is attempting to pass your guard with the esgrima pass.

JJU 17-13 Late Torreada Block

JJU 17-13 Late Torreada Block

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Xande explains how to stiff arm your opponent's shoulder to block their torreada pass attempt and recover your guard.

JJU 17-14 Two Handed Torreada Pass Defense

JJU 17-14 Two Handed Torreada Pass Defense

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Sometimes your opponent will initiate the torreada pass looking to get around your legs just enough to drop his hips onto your body to immobilize you to finish the pass. In this case, your hands must frame against your opponent's body before their hips are able to apply pressure. Using your frame, immediately shrimp away from your opponent to clear enough room to get your legs between you and your opponent to recover the guard. The pass defense must be built into reflex to achieve an instant response to stop your opponent's pass attempt as every second that you give to them increases their opportunity to pass.

JJU 17-11 Collar Drag When Opponent Sits Back

JJU 17-11 Collar Drag When Opponent Sits Back

Add to Favorites 1007 Remove From Favorites 4000 days ago

This lesson was not in the JJU book but shares the same concept of collar dragging your opponent except from a different situation. In this situation, your opponent is on their knees and leaning their weight back in an attempt to prevent the collar drag. Some minor adjustments allow us to create the opportunity to collar drag our opponent even though they are on their knees and assuming a stalling position. The collar drag from butterfly goes very well in combination with the ankle pick from butterfly. This combination echoes the action-reaction concept that can be seen in many transitions in jiu jitsu.

JJU 17-12 Ankle Pick Against Torreada Pass

JJU 17-12 Ankle Pick Against Torreada Pass

Add to Favorites 1121 Remove From Favorites 4001 days ago

The ankle pick from the guard is a quick way to score two points and is very useful in combination with the collar drag from butterfly guard. As you attempt a collar drag, your opponent may draw his weight back, setting you up for the perfect opportunity to sweep and come on top with the ankle pick instead. This combination clearly echoes the action-reaction concept that can be found in many other transitions in jiu jitsu.

JJU 17-16 Omoplata Off Straight Armlock

JJU 17-16 Omoplata Off Straight Armlock

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Being able to impose a threat on your opponent regardless of their response is the key to a dangerous guard. In this lesson, Xande explains how to redirect your attack and transition into an Omoplata when your opponent defends against the straight armlock from guard. When your opponent attempts to pull away from your straight armlock, let them go, and take the omoplata instead.

JJU 17-09 Knee Slide Pass Block Defense

JJU 17-09 Knee Slide Pass Block Defense

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Xande explains how to defend against the knee slide pass by using your knee shield as a block to recover your guard. The knee slide pass is a very common pass and it's important to understand the core mechanics of the knee shield as it can be applied throughout your jiu jitsu elsewhere. In a sense we can look at our defensive shields in layers. First your opponent must pass your hands and feet, your first layer of defense. Then comes your knees and knee shield. After your knees are defeated, you can use your elbows to frame against your opponent. As a last resort we have our bridging movements (upa or shrimping). Using your knee as a defensive frame is a technique that will be utilized from white to black belt.

JJU 17-01 Single Underleg Pass Defense

JJU 17-01 Single Underleg Pass Defense

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Xande explains how to defend with the classic single under leg pass defense by using your arms and leg to create base against your opponent and shrimp away to create enough space to recover your guard.

JJU 17-11 Collar Drag Off Torreada Defense

JJU 17-11 Collar Drag Off Torreada Defense

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Xande explains how to set up and perform the collar drag when your opponent is looking to pass your guard with the torreada defense. This lesson can be found on page 137 of the JJU book.

JJU 17-10 Early Torreada Pass Defense

JJU 17-10 Early Torreada Pass Defense

Add to Favorites 1205 Remove From Favorites 4053 days ago

Xande explains how to prevent your opponent from passing your guard with the Torreada pass by making good use of distance and grips to control their options. This lesson can be found on page 137 of the JJU book.

JJU 17-07, 17-08 Same Side Knee Block Defense

JJU 17-07, 17-08 Same Side Knee Block Defense

Add to Favorites 1232 Remove From Favorites 4054 days ago

Xande teaches how to defend when your opponent attempts to pass your guard with the same side knee pass. This lesson can be found on page 133 of the JJU book.

JJU 17-05B Over Under Pass Defense Variation

JJU 17-05B Over Under Pass Defense Variation

Add to Favorites 1057 Remove From Favorites 4055 days ago

Xande explains a variation on how to defend and stop your opponent's attempts to pass your guard with the over under pass when your opponent is leaving some space between his head and your body.

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