Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (1/7) - Introduction

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (1/7) - Introduction

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Rafael Lovato Jr. provides a brief introduction of himself and his pressure passing system that helped him become the second American and one of only two Americans to win a gold medal at the World Championships. Rafael just became the first American to win the Black Belt Absolute division in the Brasileiros this past weekend. Check out more videos from him at: http://www.ultimatepressurepassingsystem.com/

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (2/7) - Headquarters Position

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (2/7) - Headquarters Position

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Rafael Lovato Jr teaches how to set up the guard passing HQ position that serves as a hub to all of the other guard passes in this seminar.

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (3/7) - X-Pass from HQ Position

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (3/7) - X-Pass from HQ Position

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Rafael teaches how to pass your opponent's guard utilizing the X-Pass from the HQ Position.

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (4/7) - Side Smash Pass from HQ Position

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (4/7) - Side Smash Pass from HQ Position

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Rafael Lovato Jr. teaches how to set up the side smash pass and how to position yourself to exert intense pressure on your opponent to keep them pinned in the smashed guard to transition to the mount position.

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (5/7) - Side Smash Pass to Cross Knee Pass

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (5/7) - Side Smash Pass to Cross Knee Pass

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In this lesson, Rafael teaches how to transition from a failed side smash pass right into a cross knee pass based on your opponent's reactions. Developing good flow between a system of guard passes can greatly increase your chances of overwhelming the opponent and passing their guard.

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (6/7) - The ButtFlop Pass from HQ Position

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (6/7) - The ButtFlop Pass from HQ Position

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Rafael Lovato Jr teaches the buttflop guard pass, a very dynamic open guard pass that involves passing your opponent's guard as you establish the cross face at the same time. This guard pass may feel unnatural at first but by drilling the pass you will begin to find many opportunities to use this pass.

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (7/7) - ButtFlop Pass to Side Smash and Mount

Rafael Lovato Jr Seminar (7/7) - ButtFlop Pass to Side Smash and Mount

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Rafael teaches how to transition from the buttflop pass to the side smash position and establish the mount on your opponent.

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