Inside the University 872 - Momentum and Timing

Inside the University 872 - Momentum and Timing

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Now going through the position, Sensei Saulo explains and shows how important momentum and timing are to get what you want, not just in this technique, but in Jiu Jitsu as a whole.

Inside the University 871 - Attacking the Other Arm

Inside the University 871 - Attacking the Other Arm

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After going over some fundamentals of keeping a solid base while looking to attack the armbar, Sensei Saulo covers how to react if your opponent pulls his arm away from your grasp. He immediately grabs the other arm, and swings his hips to change his attack to the other side.

Inside the University 870 - Attacking with the Proper Angle

Inside the University 870 - Attacking with the Proper Angle

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Now Saulo breaks down how to keep your body at the right angles to attack your opponent, and not give him the space he needs to escape. Also, he shows what to do if your opponent doesn't react by pushing you away after you mount him.

Inside the University 869 - Staying Low When Attacking the Arm

Inside the University 869 - Staying Low When Attacking the Arm

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Correcting some mistakes, Saulo shows the importance of keeping your hips low when swinging your leg to attack the arm from mount. If he sits up too high, his opponent will have plenty of room to escape, and he will lose the arm.

Inside the University 868 - Wrapping the Arm and Applying Pressure

Inside the University 868 - Wrapping the Arm and Applying Pressure

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Here Saulo discusses the proper way to wrap up your opponent's arm when attacking the armbar, and also offers some key details on where and how to apply heavy pressure. The more pressure he applies, the more uncomfortable his opponent is, and the more likely he is to give up his arm.

Inside the University 867 - Proper Weight Distribution When Attacking the Armbar

Inside the University 867 - Proper Weight Distribution When Attacking the Armbar

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Now Saulo briefly covers how to properly distribute your weight when attacking the armbar. If he leans too far forward or too far backward, his opponent can easily escape while he goes for the arm. Here Sensei Saulo shows how he can attack either arm, depending on his weight and his opponent's reaction.

Inside the University 866 - Taking Mount from Side Control

Inside the University 866 - Taking Mount from Side Control

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Having established side control, Sensei Saulo now looks to mount his opponent. After placing his arm over the head and trapping the shouler, he opens his hips to bring his knee up, and steps his leg hard over his opponent's body. With his foot on the mat and his body still on the side, he gauges his opponents reaction and leverage, and when he feels he has the advantage, he climbs his body to establish a heavy mount.

Inside the University 865 - 2 on 1 Sleeve Sweep to Triangle

Inside the University 865 - 2 on 1 Sleeve Sweep to Triangle

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This time when Victor uses the 2 on 1 grip to drag the arm across and go for the sweep, his opponent resists and fights to get back to the top. Victor allows his opponent to come back to the top position, but pulls his leg out and throws it over the shoulder to lock a triangle as his opponent is coming back up.

Inside the University 864 - 2 on 1 Sleeve Control Sweep to Mount

Inside the University 864 - 2 on 1 Sleeve Control Sweep to Mount

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Victor gets his 2 on 1 sleeve control and escapes his hips a bit to bring his leg into the armpit, as if he was going for an armbar. In this case, it's too difficult to hit the armbar, so he hits hard with his leg to sweep and comes on top to mount.

Inside the University 863 - Setting Up 2 on 1 Sleeve Control

Inside the University 863 - Setting Up 2 on 1 Sleeve Control

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Once he has his opponent in his closed guard, Victor likes to drag the arm across his body and get a two on one grip, controlling the sleeve and the triceps. Here he goes into detail on how he breaks his opponents grip, and what angle of leverage he uses depending on how his opponent is gripping.

Inside the University 862 - Pulling Closed Guard

Inside the University 862 - Pulling Closed Guard

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Fresh off his Open Weight No Gi World Championship, Professor Victor Hugo shows how he likes to pull closed guard. After getting his collar and sleeve grip, he steps to the side at a 45 degree angle, places his opposite foot on the hip and drops to closed guard. The side step helps him prevent his opponent from getting his knee in between them.

Inside the University 861 - Closed Guard Arm Drag to Armbar

Inside the University 861 - Closed Guard Arm Drag to Armbar

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This time when Alex drags the arm across, his opponent steps his leg up on the side his arm was dragged from. Alex steps on the hip and locks his legs, trapping the arm. From here, depending on how his opponent reacts, Alex can finish a straight armbar, Americana or wrist lock.