Inside the University 1039 - Bumping the Knee to Sit Up to the Back

Inside the University 1039 - Bumping the Knee to Sit Up to the Back

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Gustavo goes over some details students have trouble with, and shows how he releases the knee from his grips in order to sit up to the back. He also shows a nice transition to the knee bar.

Inside the University 1038 - Curu Curu Guard Back Attack

Inside the University 1038 - Curu Curu Guard Back Attack

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Now instead of going overhead, Gustavo pushes his opponent away from him and then rolls onto his side, forcing his opponent to post his hands on the side. From here, Gustavo shows how he can swing his legs to sit up out the backdoor, and get to the other side to attack the back.

Inside the University 1037 - Curu Curu Guard Overhead Sweep

Inside the University 1037 - Curu Curu Guard Overhead Sweep

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From his Curu Curu guard, Gustavo rocks his opponent and extends his legs up over his head, forcing his opponent to base on his hands. Now instead of trying to back roll, Gustavo dumps his opponent over to the side and sits up ready to pass the guard. He can also set this sweep up sometimes if his opponent tries to back step his leg out of the guard.

Inside the University 1036 - Curu Curu Guard Off-Balancing

Inside the University 1036 - Curu Curu Guard Off-Balancing

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Moving on from the Curu Curu guard setup, Gustavo shows how to off-balance your opponent from this position. He can either roll onto his shoulder and off-balance him to the side, or he can pull him up and off-balance him over his head.

Inside the University 1035 - Curu Curu Guard Setup and Basics

Inside the University 1035 - Curu Curu Guard Setup and Basics

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To begin this lesson on the Curu Curu guard, Gustavo goes over the proper set up and covers a few different grip variations and off balances, before diving into the sweeps.

Inside the University 1034 - Taking the Back from Technical Mount and Finishing

Inside the University 1034 - Taking the Back from Technical Mount and Finishing

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Now from technical mount, instead of going right for the armbar, Gustavo uses his Kimura trap to get back control. From here he can throw his leg over the head and finish the armbar like before, or he can switch his grips to the collar and hunt for the choke.

Inside the University 1033 - Armbar from Technical Mount

Inside the University 1033 - Armbar from Technical Mount

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Now when Gustavo has mount, his opponent turns on his side into survival position, so as he's turning, Gustavo shifts his body to the technical mount position. There are many attacks from here, but this time he pushes the top arm to his other hand to set up a Kimura trap. Now he shifts his weight toward the body and throws his leg over the head to finish the armbar.

Inside the University 1032 - Securing the Arm While Rolling

Inside the University 1032 - Securing the Arm While Rolling

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Gustavo goes over in finer detail how he traps and secures the arm for this submission. He can't rely on his arm to keep the arm trapped, so he must make sure his legs are pinching and doing most of the work. Another detail is he makes sure the thumb is pointing up when he pulls to finish.

Inside the University 1031 - Rolling to Finish the Armbar from Mount

Inside the University 1031 - Rolling to Finish the Armbar from Mount

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Picking up where he left off, Gustavo wraps the arm up with his arm and drops his hip to the mat toward his opponent's head. His other hand reaches out to stop his opponent's hip, and makes a grip on the pants. He can finish the armbar from here, or force his opponent to roll and then finish.

Inside the University 1030 - Trapping the Arm when Opponent Bumps Your From Mount

Inside the University 1030 - Trapping the Arm when Opponent Bumps Your From Mount

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This lesson will be covering some attacks from the mount, and in the first situation, your opponent will by pushing your chest as he tries to bump you off. Gustavo immediately turns his hips toward his opponent and slides bottom leg under the shoulder and slides his other shin across his opponent's face. For now he stops here with the arm trapped between his legs.

Inside the University 1029 - Setting Up Your Angle to Pass the Guard

Inside the University 1029 - Setting Up Your Angle to Pass the Guard

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Gustavo goes over some details of setting up your angle and positioning yourself as you stand up in the guard, so you are ready to pass as soon as you open your opponent's legs.

Inside the University 1028 - Two Passes from Closed Guard

Inside the University 1028 - Two Passes from Closed Guard

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Now that Gustavo has opened the guard, he is ready to pass. The first pass he shows is a basic knee cut, where he pushes the leg to the mat and slides his knee across. In the second pass, his opponent tries to throw his leg over Gustavo's head, so Gustavo underhooks the leg and passes to the outside.