Inside the University 1027 - Turning Your Body to Open the Guard

Inside the University 1027 - Turning Your Body to Open the Guard

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Gustavo shows how can open his opponent's guard by positioning his body and turning at angle, without using his hands to push the knee. Once the legs are open, he controls the bottom leg and is ready to set up his guard passes.

Inside the University 1026 - Keeping Posture and Opening the Closed Guard

Inside the University 1026 - Keeping Posture and Opening the Closed Guard

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Gustavo covers some key points in maintaining a strong posture when your opponent is trying to pull you down. He creates space between his knees and his opponent's hip, and his first step he places his foot by the hip and his knee pinches staying connected to the leg. His other leg steps to the side and he angles his body when pushing the knee to open the guard.

Inside the University 1025 - Standing Up Inside the Closed Guard

Inside the University 1025 - Standing Up Inside the Closed Guard

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Before getting into the lesson of passing the closed guard, Gustavo goes over simply standing up first. With his hands pressing down on his opponent's chest, he steps one foot up, then the other, and stands up with a strong base and posture.

Inside the University 1024 - Armbar from the Back when Opponent Defends Choke

Inside the University 1024 - Armbar from the Back when Opponent Defends Choke

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Gustavo's opponent is in survival position and defending the choke, so Gustavo reaches over an arm and grabs the elbow to open the arm. Now he can thread his arm through to control his opponent's arm, step on the hip and look to set up his armbar. He reaches to grab the pants and throws his leg over the head to get the submission.

Inside the University 1023 - The Finer Details of Finishing a Lapel Choke from the Back

Inside the University 1023 - The Finer Details of Finishing a Lapel Choke from the Back

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Gustavo goes over some intricate details of finishing the choke, including how to wrap the collar around the neck, basing on your forearm to create more pressure in the choke, and what your fingers and wrist should be doing to get the submission.

Inside the University 1022 - Collar Choke from Back Control when Your Grip Is Not Very Deep

Inside the University 1022 - Collar Choke from Back Control when Your Grip Is Not Very Deep

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In this situation, Gustavo is looking for the choke but his grip is not very deep because his opponent is defending well. So now instead of keeping his arm tight to his opponent, he extends his arms and stretches his body away to tighten the choke. After creating tension, he can close the distance to fully secure and finish the choke.

Inside the University 1021 - Keeping Your Elbow Attached to His Shoulder when Choking

Inside the University 1021 - Keeping Your Elbow Attached to His Shoulder when Choking

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Gustavo goes over an important detail of how his elbow never loses contact with his opponent's shoulder while he is going for the choke. If it does lose connection, then his opponent will have space to escape.

Inside the University 1020 - Collar Choke from the Back

Inside the University 1020 - Collar Choke from the Back

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Professor Gustavo begins class with a basic collar choke from back control. He starts with both hooks and seatbelt control, and goes over some details in maintaining a good control from here. To set up the choke, he opens the lapel and feeds it to his choking hand. His other hand makes a grip on the cross lapel and he can choke from here.

Inside the University 1019 - Saulo Choke from Mount

Inside the University 1019 - Saulo Choke from Mount

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After mounting his opponent, Nick has his collar grip across his opponent's neck, and he looks to get an underhand grip on the other lapel. As he drops his elbow to the mat, he pulls the other lapel, finishing the choke on both sides of the neck.

Inside the University 1018 - Closing the Space when Mounting

Inside the University 1018 - Closing the Space when Mounting

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Nick goes over a common mistake made when mounting your opponent, which is to throw your leg over and leave way too much space for him to replace guard. If he does throw his leg over, he switches his base first, but he much prefers to slide the knee across the belly and keep pressure the whole time while he takes the mount.

Inside the University 1017 - Double Unders Pass to Mount

Inside the University 1017 - Double Unders Pass to Mount

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Continuing with the double unders pass, now when Nick gets to side control his opponent turns to face him. Nick is expecting him to do this and he times his movement to mount as his opponent turns. Still with his collar grip, Nick has some options to look for the choke now.

Inside the University 1016 - Double Unders Pass

Inside the University 1016 - Double Unders Pass

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While passing the guard, Nick gets both his arms under his opponent's legs and clasps his hands above the hips. Next he lifts his opponent's hips and pulls him on top of his thighs. Now one arm reaches across to grab the far lapel, and stacks his opponent putting very heavy pressure on him, and inches his way to the side until his opponent willingly accepts side control because of the pressure.