Inside the University 459 - Opening the Closed Guard

Inside the University 459 - Opening the Closed Guard

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From inside his opponent's closed guard, Xande first likes to grab the belt and keep his palm pressing on the belly, with his elbows turned inside. Next he moves back just a little to feel his opponent's reaction. Now with one hand on the belly and one on the hip, he stands up and keeps his knees pointed inside. From here he moves his hand from the hip to the knee, and pushes it down to open the guard. Now he has many options to begin passing.

Inside the University 458 - Single Leg and Sprawling Drills

Inside the University 458 - Single Leg and Sprawling Drills

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Xande shows a couple simple takedown drills to warm up. First he grabs a basic single leg, and then steps his inside leg to the outside as he pulls the leg up to his chest and presses his hips forward. The next drill his opponent drops to one knee and sets up a double leg, with his head on the outside. Xande places one hand on the head and underhooks the other arm, and then sprawls with his hip very heavy on the shoulder. Now he just spins around to the back to finish the drill.

Inside the University 457 - Finishing the Choke

Inside the University 457 - Finishing the Choke

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Correcting some mistakes and breaking down details, Saulo shows how he can fool his opponent into giving him what he wants. After breaking his posture, he is pulling him down and making him think he wants to stall. His opponent reacts by trying hard to pull his head up. As soon as he does, Saulo can place his second choking hand across the neck and finish.

Inside the University 456 - Guard Pull to Cross Collar Choke

Inside the University 456 - Guard Pull to Cross Collar Choke

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Saulo is unable to take his opponent down, so he decides to pull guard. With a cross collar grip, he places his same foot on the hip and pull closed guard, immediately breaking his opponent's posture. His free hand reaches over the head and grabs the other collar thumb in, or he can grab the cloth at the shoulder. Now he stretches his leg and punches the cross collar grip as he pivots his body to sink in the choke. Now he comes back to his guard to finish.

Inside the University 455 - Single Leg Takedown

Inside the University 455 - Single Leg Takedown

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Saulo is engaged with his opponent, but the guy is very stiff and hard to move, so his first move is to break his opponent's collar grip and drag the arm across. While keeping the same side sleeve grip, he makes a cross collar grip and pulls down heavy, as if he's hanging from the collar. From here, he drops down to grab the single leg and drives his opponent to the ground.

Inside the University 454 - Controlling the Stand Up Fight

Inside the University 454 - Controlling the Stand Up Fight

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When starting the fight, Saulo stresses the importance of being patient and not rushing to get the takedown. First engage with your grips, lower your level and keep your stance strong as you back your opponent down. If his opponent is standing strong and he wants to turn him instead, Saulo steps his back leg and pulls with his opposite arm, forcing his opponent to pivot. Using this kind of push, pull and spin tactic, he can dictate where the fight goes.

Inside the University 453 - Pre-Competition Mental Exercise

Inside the University 453 - Pre-Competition Mental Exercise

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In preparation for competition, Saulo has everyone close their eyes and focus as he guides them through a meditation to get their minds ready for battle. This type of visualization can be very beneficial for any athlete in both competition and day to day training.

Inside the University 452 - A Preview of More to Come

Inside the University 452 - A Preview of More to Come

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Wrapping up his class on deep half guard, Leonel Marra stresses the importance of practicing and repeating the positions in order to learn them. He also gives a nice preview of many more deep half guard techniques in his game that we can look forward to seeing from him in the future.

Inside the University 451 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Foot Lock

Inside the University 451 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Foot Lock

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Leonel hits his deep half guard sweep after his opponent cross faces him, as shown in the previous technique, and has established top position. He steps his knee up so that both of his opponent's legs are on top of his thigh. While still controlling the sleeve grip, his other arm wraps around the ankle to begin his foot lock attack, and he pulls the top leg across the bottom leg, and tucks his elbow in between. Now he steps his other leg so his knee is on the belly, and he sits back perpendicular, making sure to squeeze his knees the whole time as he finishes the foot lock.

Inside the University 450 - Deep Half Guard Sweep when Cross Faced

Inside the University 450 - Deep Half Guard Sweep when Cross Faced

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Again Leonel sets up his deep half guard with the sleeve grip fed behind his opponent's leg, escapes his shoulder and turn into his opponent to reach over the back and grab the belt. However, this time his opponent gets a strong cross face and puts heavy pressure on Leonel head. Now he turns back so his hips are facing up, and his hand that was grabbing the belt now grips the pants at the knee. To sweep, he bridges his hips, pushes the knee and rolls to come to the top. It is important to note that all these sweeping actions are done fast and simultaneously.

Inside the University 449 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Saulo Choke

Inside the University 449 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Saulo Choke

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Using the same set ups previously shown, Lionel sets up the deep half guard on his opponent, sits up to reach over the back grabbing the belt, and sweeps his opponent the same as before. Now when he lands on top, he keeps control of the leg and settles in a leg drag position. His top hand reaches to grab the cross collar with his thumb in, and he crawls to the side dropping his elbow to the mat to finish the Saulo choke.

Inside the University 448 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Kneebar

Inside the University 448 - Deep Half Guard Sweep to Kneebar

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Having set up the deep half guard, Lionel is ready to hunt for sweeps. His opponent is posting his arm on the mat, so Lionel reaches to block the arm and at the same time kicks his legs and spins his hips to the outside, and grabs his opponent’s sleeve with his arm that’s hugging the leg. Now he uses a big spin back to the inside, posts his elbow on the floor, and reaches over the back to grab the belt. From here, he can easily drop down to his shoulder and roll back the other way to sweep his opponent and get on top in half guard. An option to submit is by pinching the leg with his legs, and flexing his hips to finish the kneebar.