White Belt University 3.1 - Mount Survival and Knee Elbow or Upa Escapes

White Belt University 3.1 - Mount Survival and Knee Elbow or Upa Escapes

Add to Favorites 4230 Remove From Favorites 3924 days ago

As a white belt, it is often the case that you will find yourself in survival positions such as the mount. Xande teaches how to survive when your opponent has you mounted and how to posture yourself to make an escape. We learn two escapes, the knee elbow escape and the upa (or bridge) escape, that can be used to escape from the mount.

White Belt University 3.2 - Back Survival and Scoop Escapes

White Belt University 3.2 - Back Survival and Scoop Escapes

Add to Favorites 3163 Remove From Favorites 3924 days ago

Xande teaches how to survive when your opponent has your back and how to posture to protect yourself from submissions while setting up for an escape. In this lesson we learn three different ways to scoop our hips to get our opponent off our back and escape to a more neutral position.

White Belt University 3.3 - Side Control Survival and Hip Escapes

White Belt University 3.3 - Side Control Survival and Hip Escapes

Add to Favorites 3984 Remove From Favorites 3924 days ago

Saulo teaches how to survive when your opponent has you in side control and how to position your arms and legs to protect against submissions. In this lesson we combine the hip escape and hip escape belly down floor drills taught in chapter one to escape from our opponent's side control. The hip escape allows us to change angles by shifting our hips and creates the necessary space between you and your opponent to recover the guard.

White Belt University 3.4 - Knee on Belly Survival and Running Escape

White Belt University 3.4 - Knee on Belly Survival and Running Escape

Add to Favorites 2680 Remove From Favorites 3924 days ago

Saulo teaches how to survive in the knee on belly position and how to recover to a more neutral position using the running escape. He advises against using your hands to press on your opponent's knee. While it may be a natural reflex to use your hands to relieve the pressure of the knee on your hands, using your arms to push on their knee can provide your opponent with opportunities to attack your arm. Instead, we roll away from the knee and use our arm and knee to create a shield and rotate our hips out and away to make the running escape.

White Belt University 3.5 - Classic Submission Escapes from the Triangle, Armbar, and Guillotine

White Belt University 3.5 - Classic Submission Escapes from the Triangle, Armbar, and Guillotine

Add to Favorites 3476 Remove From Favorites 3924 days ago

Saulo teaches how to position ourselves to make an escape from three common submissions in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Saulo teaches what not to do when you are being threatened by these submissions then shows how to escape from the Triangle, Armbar, and Guillotine.

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