JJU 37-07 Triangle Choke from the Mount

JJU 37-07 Triangle Choke from the Mount

Add to Favorites 2110 Remove From Favorites 3863 days ago

Xande teaches how to set up the triangle choke submission from the top mount position.

JJU 37-01 Americana from the Mount

JJU 37-01 Americana from the Mount

Add to Favorites 1448 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo describes how to set up the Americana submission from the mount position.

JJU 37-02 Mounted Armbar

JJU 37-02 Mounted Armbar

Add to Favorites 1923 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo teaches how to set up the armbar submission from the mount position.

JJU 37-06 Palm Up Palm Up Choke

JJU 37-06 Palm Up Palm Up Choke

Add to Favorites 1478 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo describes how to submit your opponent with the palm up palm up choke from the mount position.

JJU 37-05 Palm Up Palm Down Choke

JJU 37-05 Palm Up Palm Down Choke

Add to Favorites 1765 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo describes how to submit your opponent with the palm up palm down gi choke from mount position.

JJU 37-03 Ezekial from Guard, Half Guard, and Mount

JJU 37-03 Ezekial from Guard, Half Guard, and Mount

Add to Favorites 1995 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo covers how to submit your opponent with an Ezekial submission from the mount position.

JJU 37-04 Kata Gatame from Mount

JJU 37-04 Kata Gatame from Mount

Add to Favorites 1240 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo teaches how to submit your opponent with the Katagatame from the mount position.

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