Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 9 - Interview with Romulo Barral

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 9 - Interview with Romulo Barral

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in this interview, Romulo shares his story of his path from white to black belt including who he began training with and how he grew into a world class competitor. From the early stages as a white belt, he received a lot of encouragement and inspiration to be a champion and grew to fill the shoes with persistent and hard effort.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 8 - Half Spider Tomoe Nage to Roll Through Sweep

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 8 - Half Spider Tomoe Nage to Roll Through Sweep

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Romulo teaches a follow up sweep to the tomoe nage in case your opponent steps around your initial sweep attempt. This strange sweep is highly effective but is sensitive to timing. Romulo still uses this sweep with great success in the highest stages of competition.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 7 - Half Spider Tomoe Nage Sweep

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 7 - Half Spider Tomoe Nage Sweep

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Romulo teaches the half spider tomoe nage sweep that first captured his attention and began his deep adventure into the spider guard game. Using the push pull principle and our opponent's reaction against them, we dump our opponents directly over our head in a back roll to complete the sweep.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 6 - Spider Guard Transition to Curu Curu Guard and Sweep Options

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 6 - Spider Guard Transition to Curu Curu Guard and Sweep Options

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Romulo teaches how to get underneath your opponent from the spider guard to the curu curu guard. He covers the fundamentals on how to get to the position and covers multiple sweeping options from the curu curu (footlock guard).

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 5 - Transitions between Spider Guard, De la Riva Guard, and Sit Up Guard

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 5 - Transitions between Spider Guard, De la Riva Guard, and Sit Up Guard

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Romulo teaches a flow sequence on how to transition between the spider guard, de la riva guard, and sit up guard. It's important to be able to flow between these complimentary guards to be prepared for all scenarios that your opponent may present to you.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 4 - Spider Guard Scissor Sweep to Triangle

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 4 - Spider Guard Scissor Sweep to Triangle

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Romulo teaches one of his staple sweeps to submission combinations from the spider guard. Romulo has been able to use this technique from white to black belt level championships and shares the fine details on how to transition the sweep attempt right into your next attack.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 3 - Spider Guard Retention and Defense against the Double Unders Pass

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 3 - Spider Guard Retention and Defense against the Double Unders Pass

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Romulo teaches a way to retain your guard when your opponent is able to break the spider guard by getting both underhooks for a double unders pass. In the lesson we learn how to defend against the pass and get back into the spider guard.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 2 - Fundamentals of Spider Guard Retention and Control

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 2 - Fundamentals of Spider Guard Retention and Control

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Romulo teaches the fundamental rules on how to retain your spider guard and control your opponent from the spider guard.

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 1 - Evolution of Romulo's Spider Guard Game

Romulo Barral Spider Guard Series 1 - Evolution of Romulo's Spider Guard Game

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Romulo recalls how he first discovered the spider guard and began to develop complimentary guard styles to create his full guard game. He goes over concepts on how the spider guard can flow from other guards and demonstrates how his guard game progressed from its early stages to where it is today.

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