Tarsis Humphreys Series 17 - Cross Sleeve Grip Arm Drag to Armbar from Closed Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 17 - Cross Sleeve Grip Arm Drag to Armbar from Closed Guard

Add to Favorites 1222 Remove From Favorites 3146 days ago

Tarsis does the same cross sleeve grip arm drag as the last position, but now Xande reacts by posting with his leg and putting weight back into Tarsis. Tarsis now steps on Xande's hip, underhooks his leg and pushes his head away so he can bring his leg over to finish the armbar.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 16 - Cross Sleeve Grip Arm Drag from Closed Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 16 - Cross Sleeve Grip Arm Drag from Closed Guard

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Tarsis begins in his closed guard and breaks Xande's grip off his lapel, before pulling Xande in with his legs and pushing his arm across his body. Next he reaches over Xande's back and grabs his gi under his armpit. Tarsis pushes the arm away and pulls the armpit to twist Xande's body, as he escapes his hips to take the back and set up a lapel choke.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 15 - Worm Guard Sweep to Triangle Choke

Tarsis Humphreys Series 15 - Worm Guard Sweep to Triangle Choke

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Tarsis shows a worm guard sweep he has used in competition. He starts in De La Riva guard and pulls his opponent's lapel out to lasso his foot and set up the worm guard. He uses his hips to break his opponent's base, gets up on his elbow, then rolls and spins to a top triangle position, where he can finish the choke.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 14 - Triangle Choke from Closed Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 14 - Triangle Choke from Closed Guard

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Tarsis goes for the choke he showed in the last technique, but now his opponent blocks the second hand when he goes for the choke. Tarsis grabs the wrist, stretches his legs to create space and push the arm in so he can cross his feet. Now he pulls the head down and adjusts his position so he can lock the triangle and finish.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 13 - Choke from Closed Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 13 - Choke from Closed Guard

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Tarsis shows a choke he uses from the closed guard when his opponent has a good posture. First he grabs the lapel and pushes the arm so he can pull his opponent in tight. Now he wraps his arm around his opponent's arm, and feeds the far side lapel to his hand. He gets a good grip on the back of the gi, stretches his legs to create some space, and brings the other arm across the neck to finish the choke.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 12 - Back Take and Choke from Turtle

Tarsis Humphreys Series 12 - Back Take and Choke from Turtle

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Tarsis shows how he likes to take the back and finish the choke when his opponent is in the turtle position. First Tarsis establishes good pressure on the back with his belly, and sets up his seat belt. Next he puts his knee between his opponent's leg and arm, and pulls him to the side, on top of his own body and gets his hooks in. From here he gets his grips on the lapel and finishes the choke.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 11 - Kimura from Side Control

Tarsis Humphreys Series 11 - Kimura from Side Control

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Tarsis shows a Kimura from the side control, using the same set up as the armbar he showed in the last position. First he grabs the arm at the biceps, pulls it across and steps his leg over the head. Now he is unable to trap the wrist between his head and shoulder because his opponent slides his arm out. Tarsis immediately changes his grip to a Kimura lock. Now he pulls the arm away from his opponent's body, and then brings it up and over to finish the Kimura.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 10 - Armbar from Side Control

Tarsis Humphreys Series 10 - Armbar from Side Control

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Tarsis shows his favorite submission to use, which is an armbar from the side control. First he grabs the far side arm, controlling the triceps with his wrist and the biceps with his hand. He brings his elbow across his opponent's body, and traps the hand with his head. Next he pushes the face and steps his leg over the head, placing his foot right by his opponent's back. From here he pivots his body and sits down to finish the armbar.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 9 - Knee Bar from Turtle

Tarsis Humphreys Series 9 - Knee Bar from Turtle

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Tarsis shows the knee bar he used to finish Romulo Barral in the finals of the 2010 World Championship. From the turtle position, Romulo had Tarsis' leg pinned, so Tarsis first grabbed his arm and used the leverage to free his leg and pin Romulo's leg. Next he brought his arm through and grabbed the leg he was attacking. Then he rolled over his shoulder, grabbed the leg with his other arm and finished the knee bar.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 8 - Tarsis Sweep from Lasso Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 8 - Tarsis Sweep from Lasso Guard

Add to Favorites 1232 Remove From Favorites 3157 days ago

Tarsis shows the sweep he used to win the Abu Dhabi World Pro against Braulio Estima. Tarsis first sets up the lasso guard and holds his opponent's lapel, and baits him to stand the lasso side leg up. Now Tarsis inverts and rolls underneath, like a helicopter sweep, and stretches his legs to sit up to the top. Now he back steps and pulls his opponent to his back.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 7 - Butterfly Guard Sweep

Tarsis Humphreys Series 7 - Butterfly Guard Sweep

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Tarsis shows a butterfly guard sweep that he learned from Fernando Terere. First he posts his hand on the mat and scoots close to his opponent, grabbing his belt with the underhook and making sure to get his shoulder underneath the armpit. With his hook live and his knee on the outside, Tarsis grabs the triceps and pulls the arm in tight before he rolls to his side, sweeping his opponent.

Tarsis Humphreys Series 6 - Overhead Sweep from Closed Guard

Tarsis Humphreys Series 6 - Overhead Sweep from Closed Guard

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Tarsis shows an overhead sweep from the closed guard that he has been using since he was a blue belt. First he gets control of both sleeves and keeps his hips very heavy. As soon as his opponent stands both legs up, Tarsis unlocks his guard and shoots his hips underneath his opponent, while his shins go under the armpits. Now he just rolls backwards and takes his opponent with him over the top. When he lands in mount, he can set up the armbar right away.

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