Xande's Defensive Series 7 - Grapevine Mount Escape

Xande's Defensive Series 7 - Grapevine Mount Escape

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Xande now talks about when your opponent uses the grapevine while mounting you, which happens when he drops all his weight in his hips and ties up your legs with his feet. The overall process is the same as the hip block escape, but he must address the grapevine. His first step is to bump his hips and get his frame in place on his opponent's hip. Now he can clear his legs of the grapevine by stretching one leg, bringing it around and using it to push his opponent's other hook off him. Now he can finish escaping the mount as shown before.

Xande's Defensive Series 6 - Hip Block Mount Escape

Xande's Defensive Series 6 - Hip Block Mount Escape

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Xande now begins the mount escape series with the hip block mount escape. First he makes a frame on his opponent's hip, and straightens his own leg on that same side, while turning just a bit on to his hip. Now he bumps with his hips and slides his leg underneath to trap his opponent's leg. Then he can turn back into his opponent and work to replace the guard.

Xande's Defensive Series 5 - Escaping the Back to Half Guard

Xande's Defensive Series 5 - Escaping the Back to Half Guard

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Xande starts with his opponent on his back with both hooks in. He does the same escape as he showed in the previous technique, but now when he frees the first hook, his opponent tries to come on top and mount him. Xande makes sure to stop the leg from mounting, and traps it with his own leg before turning into him to replace the half guard, making sure to keep his frames and knee shield in place.

Xande's Defensive Series 4 - Escape from Back with Both Hooks

Xande's Defensive Series 4 - Escape from Back with Both Hooks

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Xande shows how to escape when your opponent has your back with both hooks and the seat belt. First Xande protects his neck and then falls with his back flat to the mat toward the side of his opponent's arm under his armpit. He also makes sure to get his head on the other side of his opponent's head. Now he removes the hook and sits on top of the leg, where he begins to turn back into his opponent to get to a side control position.

Xande's Defensive Series 3 - Escaping the Turtle in a Rolling Transition

Xande's Defensive Series 3 - Escaping the Turtle in a Rolling Transition

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Xande uses the escape shown in the previous position when his opponent has one hook, but now instead of turning into his opponent, he rolls away from him. Xande's opponent rolls with him and lands on top. Now Xande is able to use the momentum to roll his opponent over his shoulder and off his back, where he can no work to establish a good side control position.

Xande's Defensive Series 2 - Escaping from Turtle with One Hook

Xande's Defensive Series 2 - Escaping from Turtle with One Hook

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Xande starts in the turtle position, and his opponent has one hook and rolls to get the other hook. Xande's first line of defense is to keep his chin and shoulder together to protect his neck, and brings his elbow and knee together to block the second hook. He walks his leg that is hooked up and turns his hips in to free the hook and sit on his opponent's leg. Now he can walk away and turn back into his opponent, to a side position.

Xande's Defensive Series 1 - Escaping from Turtle

Xande's Defensive Series 1 - Escaping from Turtle

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Xande is known for having one of the best defenses in competitive Jiu-Jitsu, and in this series he shows his secrets of how to survive and escape from bad positions. He begins by showing how to escape from turtle when your opponent doesn't have any hooks. His first action is to shift his weight away from his opponent, while protecting his neck with one hand and defending from the hook with his other hand. If the space is there for him to move away from his opponent and replace his guard, he looks for that, but if not, then he moves to Plan B. Xande traps his opponent's arm that is over his back and rolls, landing on top. Now he scoots his hips up and settles in a good side control position.

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