Daisuke Nakamura Series 11 - Tsukuri Takedown

Daisuke Nakamura Series 11 - Tsukuri Takedown

Add to Favorites 1262 Remove From Favorites 3009 days ago

Daisuke grabs his opponent's collar and pulls him forward, making him off balance. He steps his leg behind his opponent's leg and reaches his arm through the legs. Using his hips, he lifts his opponent off the ground, and throws him down in front of him to finish the takedown.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 10 - Ippon Seoi Nage Takedown

Daisuke Nakamura Series 10 - Ippon Seoi Nage Takedown

Add to Favorites 1149 Remove From Favorites 3010 days ago

Daisuke shows his favorite version of the ippon seoi nage takedown. With the collar and sleeve grip, he pulls his opponent forward in a diagonal direction. When his opponent postures up, Daisuke places his foot in between his opponent's feet, spins and drops to his knees, throwing him over his shoulder.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 9 - Knee Bar from De La Riva Guard

Daisuke Nakamura Series 9 - Knee Bar from De La Riva Guard

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Starting with the pants and collar grip from the De La Riva guard, Daisuke kicks the leg and sits up. His opponent tries to step over his leg, so he kicks him forward. Next, he circles his hook leg around his opponent's leg, planting his foot on the hip. His other leg crosses over and he raises his hips to finish the knee bar.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 8 - De La Riva Guard Sweep

Daisuke Nakamura Series 8 - De La Riva Guard Sweep

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With the pants and collar grip in the De La Riva guard, Daisuke kicks out his opponent's leg and sits up. His opponent steps over his leg, so Daisuke kicks him forward, making him post his hands. Keeping the collar grip, Daisuke swings his leg to step over his opponent's near leg, hugs his hips from a top turtle position, establishing the sweep.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 7 - Escaping Back Control

Daisuke Nakamura Series 7 - Escaping Back Control

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With his opponent on his back, Daisuke first grabs his opponent's arm at the shoulder and triceps, and pulls it down to his body. He falls to that same side, and releases the top hook with his hand. Next, he uses his foot to get rid of the bottom hook, and steps to the side of his opponent. Now rolls on to his shoulder and jumps across his opponent's body, before turning back over to establish the side control.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 6 - Wrist Lock from Closed Guard

Daisuke Nakamura Series 6 - Wrist Lock from Closed Guard

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From his closed guard, Daisuke reaches for his opponent's lapel, but his opponent blocks by grabbing his wrist. With his free hand, Daisuke grabs his opponent's elbow and pulls it tight to his body. Now his pulls his knees to his body and rolls his body up, using his abs. He turns his arm in to finish the wrist lock.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 5 - De La Riva Guard Long Step Pass

Daisuke Nakamura Series 5 - De La Riva Guard Long Step Pass

Add to Favorites 1215 Remove From Favorites 3016 days ago

From inside the De La Riva guard, Daisuke first breaks his opponent's grip on his lapel. Next he pushes his opponent's shin to get rid of the De La Riva hook, and makes a grip on the lapel. Facing his knee outward, he puts his shin across his opponent's shin and long steps with his other hand gripping the pants. From here he steps over to the other side, passing the guard and establishing side control.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 4 - Half Guard Long Step Pass

Daisuke Nakamura Series 4 - Half Guard Long Step Pass

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From the half guard, Daisuke reaches under his opponent's top leg and grips the pants on the bottom knee. With his other hand, he grabs the lapel and jumps to his feet, while keeping his elbows stretched. He drops to his elbow and knee, and back steps his leg out of the half guard. The leg that just stepped now comes over the top, straddling his opponent's legs. Next, he steps to the other side and gains the side control.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 3 - Back Take from Turtle

Daisuke Nakamura Series 3 - Back Take from Turtle

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Daisuke starts on top in the turtle position, and first makes sure to control his opponent's hips. He reaches over the back to grab the lapel, and his other hand grabs the collar behind the neck. Now he pulls his opponent down on his side, and lifts him up to a sitting position. From here he can jump up and pull his opponent down, finishing on the back.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 2  - Armbar from Side Control (with Leg Under the Head)

Daisuke Nakamura Series 2 - Armbar from Side Control (with Leg Under the Head)

Add to Favorites 1192 Remove From Favorites 3019 days ago

Daisuke shows another armbar from the side control using the same setup as the previous one. From side control, he walks his hips up to open his opponent's arm, and when he tries to mount, his opponent defends by bringing up his knee. Daisuke pushes the knee down and brings his knee under the head before throwing his leg over. This time instead of keeping the leg over the face, he puts it behind the head, before falling back and finishing. It is very important that he keeps his knee pointing outward to keep his opponent from sitting up.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 1  - Armbar from Side Control (with Leg Over the Face)

Daisuke Nakamura Series 1 - Armbar from Side Control (with Leg Over the Face)

Add to Favorites 1422 Remove From Favorites 3020 days ago

Daisuke Nakamura, 3X All Japan Featherweight Champion and 2X All Japan Open Weight Champion, begins his series with one of his favorite submissions from side control. Daisuke's opponent is keeping his elbow tight to his body, so Daisuke faces him with his hips. He tries to mount, but his opponent blocks with his knee, so Daisuke pushes it down to the mat. Planting both feet, he raises his hips off the mat and walks backward, opening his opponent's armpit. With his knee under the head, Daisuke traps the arm with his elbow and controls the wrist before stepping his leg over his opponent's face. After grabbing the pants, he falls back and finishes the armbar.

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