Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 14 - Leg Lock from Half Guard on Top

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 14 - Leg Lock from Half Guard on Top

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In the half guard, when Rodrigo's opponent goes for the underhook, he turns his base into him, traps his arm and flattens him out. Next he frees his knee a few inches and grabs his opponent's foot, immediately bringing his elbow to his knee. His other hand now grabs the foot too, and he opens his knee and pushes his hips forward. To finish the submission, he places his head on the mat, stands up and puts his knee to the mat.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 13 - Guillotine from Half Guard on Top

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 13 - Guillotine from Half Guard on Top

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From inside his opponent's half guard, Rodrigo keeps some distance, and when his opponent sits up to get the underhook, he immediately wraps his arm around the neck and grabs the chin. He posts with his free hand, steps his outside leg up and frees his other knee. As his opponent struggles to get his head out and tries to put Rodrigo off balance, Rodrigo throws his other arm under the chin and squeezes to finish the guillotine.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 12 - Escaping from Turtle Position

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 12 - Escaping from Turtle Position

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Rodrigo shows how he escapes from turtle position when his opponent is on his side, reaching over his back. First Rodrigo closes his elbow to trap his opponent's hand. With his other arm, he posts on the mat, and slides backward a few steps to put his leg behind his opponent's thigh. Now he windshield wipers his foot and sits down to roll to the side, and finish on top.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 11 - Setting Up a Back Take from Turtle

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 11 - Setting Up a Back Take from Turtle

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While attempting the guillotine from turtle, many times his opponent will put his forehead on the mat to defend. Rodrigo responds by jumping over his opponent's back, while staying connected, and immediately turning to get on the side, ready to attack the back.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 10 - Loop Choke from Turtle

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 10 - Loop Choke from Turtle

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From the same top turtle position as the last technique, Rodrigo now reaches for the collar after grabbing the chin. Now he moves to the side, placing his opponent's head under his armpit, before diving underneath and rolling to set up the choke. With his free hand, he grabs the triceps, brings both of his elbows together, bridges and walks to the side to finish the choke.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 9 - Guillotine from Turtle

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 9 - Guillotine from Turtle

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From the turtle position on top, of which he shows a few ways to get there, Rodrigo drops his belly on the back of his opponent's head and reaches under his chin. He spreads his fingers and where the base of thumb meets the hand goes right on the throat. With his other hand, he grabs his fingers, before walking forward and sitting his weight back to finish the guillotine.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 8 - Curu Curu Guard Sweep with Pants Grip

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 8 - Curu Curu Guard Sweep with Pants Grip

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Rodrigo's opponent breaks his grip on the sleeve, so he immediately switches to a pants grip, and bumps to make his opponent post his hands on the mat. He brings the trapped leg to his ear, switches to a pants grip and pushes the leg in the air. Now he has space to spin to the other side and come on top to finish the sweep.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 7 - Curu Curu Guard Sweep to the Back

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 7 - Curu Curu Guard Sweep to the Back

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Rodrigo addresses a common problem that happens in the curu curu guard, when his opponent drops the knee on his chest and puts a lot of pressure down. First Rodrigo makes a little bump to relieve the pressure, and then makes a Gable grip around his opponent's calf. Now he passes the leg across his chest and grabs the belt. He pulls his opponent's weight on top of his own body and rolls to the side, coming to the top and ready to attack the back.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 6 - Three Little Bumps Sweep

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 6 - Three Little Bumps Sweep

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Rodrigo shows the Bob Marley sweep, or the three little bumps sweep. When in the curu curu guard, his opponent puts his knee on the ground, so Rodrigo does his first little bump to make him post his hands on the mat. Next he does the second little bump in order to bring his elbow close to his hip. On the third little bump, he extends his top leg and pulls his bottom leg out to come to the top and finish the sweep.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 5 - Basic Curu Curu Guard Sweep

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 5 - Basic Curu Curu Guard Sweep

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Rodrigo shows the basic curu curu guard sweep, which is his number one option after setting up the guard. His opponent's first reaction is usually to kick their leg back to try to escape the hook, so Rodrigo fully extends both legs, forcing his opponent to post his hand. Now Rodrigo can just drop him to the side and come to the top to finish the sweep.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 4 - Setting Up Curu Curu Guard from Butterfly Guard

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 4 - Setting Up Curu Curu Guard from Butterfly Guard

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Rodrigo shows another way to set up the curu curu guard, this time from butterfly guard. With both hooks and both underhooks, Rodrigo slides his hips as close to his opponent as he can, and leans back keeping his knees close to his chest. He lifts both hooks up and both hands go to the armpits before he swings his leg around to a single leg X-guard. Now he controls the far sleeve and switches his hook to the curu curu guard.

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 3 - Setting Up the Curu Curu Guard from Seated Guard without Grips

Rodrigo Pagani Curu Curu Guard and More 3 - Setting Up the Curu Curu Guard from Seated Guard without Grips

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Rodrigo shows another setup to the curu curu guard when his opponent doesn't allow him to have grips from the seated guard. Rodgrigo uses the same principle as before, posting on his hand and sliding under his opponent, but now he hooks his foot behind the heel to control the leg and pull himself in. Now he can set up the curu curu guard as before. He also emphasizes the importance of making a grip on the far sleeve once the guard is established.

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