Add to Favorites 892 Remove From Favorites 2981 days ago
From inside the half guard, Fredson grips his opponent's belt and sandwiches that same side leg between his legs. Next he moves his belt grip to the back of the pants and drops the weight of his shoulder on his opponent's hips. Now he steps his leg out of the half guard, pulls the far knee toward him and steps over to finish in the mount.Add to Favorites 1011 Remove From Favorites 2982 days ago
From inside his opponent's lasso guard, Fredson grabs the belt with his lassoed arm, and underhooks the other leg with his other arm. He stands up and sits down with his foot inside his opponent's thigh to break the lasso grip. Now he leg drags the leg he has underhooked, and passes the guard.Add to Favorites 825 Remove From Favorites 2983 days ago
From the De La Riva guard, Fredson's opponent goes behind and attempts the berimbolo. Fredson's first reaction is to base his hand on his opponent's hip, and step his leg back and traps his opponent's knee with his other arm. Now he takes the hand off the hip and underhooks the arm closest to him, before stepping over to get in a good half guard position.Add to Favorites 902 Remove From Favorites 2984 days ago
From side control, Fredson controls underneath his opponent's head and grips the collar with his thumb inside. Next, he switches his hips toward his opponent's hips, and pulls his knees down toward him. He swims his head around his opponent's arm and traps it against his neck, where he can put the pressure and finish the choke.Add to Favorites 932 Remove From Favorites 2985 days ago
From the seated guard, Fredson controls the cross collar grip, posts on his other hand and raises his level above his opponent's and stands on his knee. He brings his arm over the back of his opponent's neck and puts his own head underneath his opponent's arm. Now he rolls underneath and his free arm reaches to the triceps and pulls to finish the loop choke.Add to Favorites 785 Remove From Favorites 2987 days ago
From the open guard, Fredson swims both arms under his opponent's legs and controls at the knees. He steps his feet toward his opponent and sits back, keeping control of the legs. Depending on how his opponent reacts, he can choose which side to pass by throwing the legs down and sitting up to side control.Add to Favorites 884 Remove From Favorites 2988 days ago
From the half guard, Fredson gets the underhook and controls his opponent's arm at the elbow, and pulls him to his side. He turns his hips in to free his knee out of the half guard, and then knee cuts while stepping his other leg over the head. From here, he spins over the head and sets up the arm bar.Add to Favorites 823 Remove From Favorites 2989 days ago
Fredson uses the same X-guard setup from the seated guard to get his first hook in place, and brings his arm underneath the leg. His opponent is standing, but drops his base to keep his weight on top of Fredson. Fredson chops the heel and pushes with his hook in a scissors sweep motion to sweep his opponent backward.Add to Favorites 764 Remove From Favorites 2990 days ago
Fredson uses the same set up to get to the X-guard, but now instead of staying on his knee, his opponent stands up to try to escape. Fredson uses the space to place the other X-guard hook and bring his arm under the leg. Now he switches his grip from the collar to the back of his opponent's gi, and uses his legs to lift his opponent and does a back roll to finish the sweep.Add to Favorites 964 Remove From Favorites 2991 days ago
Fredson now begins in the seated guard with a collar and knee grip. He stretches his leg underneath his opponent's legs and pulls his weight on top of him to set up the X-guard hooks. From the X-guard, depending on his opponent's reaction, Fredson has many sweeping options, and shows a few of his favorites.Add to Favorites 1069 Remove From Favorites 2992 days ago
Fredson Alves, black belt under Gracie Humaita, and one of the most accomplished black belts from the Northeast region of Brazil, begins his seminar by showing how he pulls X-guard and immediately sets up a sweep. While standing, Fredson gets the collar and sleeve grips, places his foot on the hip and pulls guard. He turns to is hip and makes a grip on the pants before shooting his leg underneath and setting up the X-guard hooks. He passes his opponent's leg over his head, and while controlling the hips, he turns and sweeps his opponent backwards.