Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 12 - Interview with Xande

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 12 - Interview with Xande

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Xande sits down with Rafael Lovato Sr. to talk about his background in martial arts, his son's rise to success as a world class competitor, and much more.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 11 - Sweep to Counter the Weave Pass

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 11 - Sweep to Counter the Weave Pass

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Once again, Rafael's opponent is attempting the weave pass, so Rafael grips the wrist and pulls up to his chest. With his foot hooking on the hip, he straightens his other leg on the mat and digs his heel to generate leverage to turn his hips toward the trapped arm. He bends his knee and turns to sweep his opponent, and as he comes to side control, he releases the grip on the arm if he does not want to finish a biceps lock.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 10 - Omoplata to Counter the Weave Pass

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 10 - Omoplata to Counter the Weave Pass

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Again, Rafael defends the weave pass by pushing the head and posting up on his hand and knee, but this time his opponent is stubborn about holding on to the single leg. Rafael reaches underneath to cup the elbow, and rolls over his shoulder, right into an omoplata. His preference is to stretch and squeeze his legs, and he reaches over the back before scooting his hips to break the posture. Now he is in position to finish the omoplata.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 9 - Replacing Guard to counter the Weave Pass

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 9 - Replacing Guard to counter the Weave Pass

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Same as last techniqe, Rafael's opponent is trying the weave pass, so Rafael extends his body and pushes the head. This time, his opponent's head is too low for Rafael to kick his foot out, so instead he hooks it on the hip and uses his posted hand to stand up in base on his knee. Now he circles his knee and sits back to whatever guard he's comfortable with.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 8 - Arm Drag to counter the Weave Pass

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 8 - Arm Drag to counter the Weave Pass

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Rafael is playing the knee shield guard, and his opponent has his arm through Rafael's legs and is working the weave pass. Rafael extends his body and pushes the head down. He kicks his leg forward and circles it around, opening up the arm to attack the arm drag. He drags his opponent and starts to climb to the back, immediately looking for his lapel grips.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 7 - Arm Drag to the Back from Knee Shield Guard

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 7 - Arm Drag to the Back from Knee Shield Guard

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From closed guard, Rafael gets the collar and sleeve grips, and places his knee shield with his other foot on the hip. When his opponent grabs his wrist to break the collar grip, Rafael lets go and grabs the cross sleeve grip. At the same time, he drops his knee shield foot to the knee and his other leg to the mat, before pushing the knee and pulling the arm across. Now he can sit up and attack the back.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 6 - Armbar from the Mount

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 6 - Armbar from the Mount

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Rafael has the mount, and his opponent tries to bump, so he switches to a technical mount right away, keeping his knees tight to his opponent. He traps the arm tight to his body and secures it by grabbing his own lapel. His opponent now defends by clasping his hands together, so Rafael grabs the sleeve of the other arm and pulls it up. He places his leg under the triceps, leans toward the body to create space and steps over the head to armbar attack position. Next, he pulls the arm to him, extends his legs and pinches them together on the arm. To finish, he uses his other arm to make a "V" with his elbow on the wrist. Now he can lean toward the head to break the grip and finish.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 5 - Sweep and Pass to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 5 - Sweep and Pass to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

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Rafael's opponent manages to finish the sit up sweep this time, but Rafael immediately pushes of the hip and shrimps to create space. He swims his arm under the ankle and brings the leg to him with the help of his own knee, and at the same time he grabs the pants on the other leg. From here, he puts his outside foot on the hip and extends his legs to sweep his opponent back, landing with one of his opponent's legs pinned on the mat and the other on his shoulder. He traps the hips by bringing his outside knee up, and controls his opponent with double lapel grips. From here, he shows a couple options to pass the guard.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 4 - Back Take and Choke to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 4 - Back Take and Choke to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

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Again, Rafael's opponent goes for the sit up sweep, but this time Rafael pushes the knee with his free hand, and steps over his opponent's leg. He drops his knee down behind the back, as his other knee comes up, making his first hook. Immediately, Rafael looks to control the lapel, and folds it to get a better grip for the choke. Now he can finish with one of a few choking variations he shows.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 3 - Knee Cut Pass to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 3 - Knee Cut Pass to Counter the Sit Up Sweep

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Rafael’s opponent attempts the sit up sweep he showed in the previous technique, so Rafael’s first reaction is to stop him from sitting up by stiff arming his body. Next, he brings his knee up on the side his opponent is trying to sweep him to, and slides his shin over the thigh. He reaches in to cross face, and his other arm hugs tight against the back. From here, Rafael chooses to lift his hips so he can use his inside leg to knee cut pass to side control.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 2 - Sit Up Sweep to Kimura

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 2 - Sit Up Sweep to Kimura

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From the closed guard, Rafael opens and rests his leg on his opponent’s hip, and sits up, posting his other side hand on the mat. He reaches across over the shoulder, grabs the elbow and thrusts his hips up and in to sweep his opponent. Rafael lands in mount, and immediately grabs the wrist and locks the Kimura grip. He wipers his way to side control, where he switches his base and steps over the head to finish the Kimura.

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 1 - Introduction

Rafael Lovato Sr. Series 1 - Introduction

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Rafael Lovato Sr., the father of the most decorated American Jiu-Jitsu competitor, Rafael Lovato Jr., discusses his background in martial arts, and his history of training Jiu-Jitsu with the Machados, Gracies and Ribeiros.

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