Add to Favorites 904 Remove From Favorites 2710 days ago
From the bottom in side control, Leticia places one forearm across her opponent's neck and the other across her hips. She bridges and escapes her hips, before moving her top elbow under the armpit and her other hand inside the hip. She pushes off, using the leverage top spin out and come to the top, immediately setting up a guillotine lock, where she can try to choke or set up other attacks.Add to Favorites 728 Remove From Favorites 2711 days ago
With her opponent in turtle, Leticia reaches over her back and makes a grip on the cross lapel, keeping her elbow tight the hip. She shifts her weight and pulls her opponent to her, before grabbing the near arm to block her from posting. Now Leticia reaches to make a choking grip on the collar and reestablishes a good grip on the cross lapel. She drops her weight forward, placing her hip on top of the shoulder and her head to the mat. She can finish the clock choke here, but she prefers to jump over to the other side, forcing her opponent to roll with her, and she finishes the choke while on her opponent's back.Add to Favorites 802 Remove From Favorites 2712 days ago
From the De La Riva guard, with a sleeve and ankle grip, Leticia kicks the far knee away, forcing her opponent to lose balance and post with her hand. She brings her De La Riva hook around to the inside of the leg and makes an X-guard hook. With her bottom leg, Leticia pushes the shin as she pulls the sleeve down, sweeping her opponent and coming to the top.Add to Favorites 760 Remove From Favorites 2713 days ago
Leticia's opponent is on her back playing an open guard, so Leticia lowers her level, grabs the pants at the inside of the knee and places her hand on the other hip. She drops her level even more, keeping her elbow connected to her body and her hip, not allowing her opponent to place the knee shield. She slides her hand from the hip to underhook the arm, as her other hand slides over the other arm and grabs the triceps. Now she drops her shoulder and places her head on the side of her opponent's head. From here, she pulls both elbows and slides her knee until her leg is free from the guard. To finish the pass, she connects her hip to her opponent's hip, walks the legs back and establishes side control.Add to Favorites 776 Remove From Favorites 2714 days ago
From standing up, Leticia makes the collar and sleeve grips on her opponent. She pushes the shoulder with the collar grip and grabs the leg she wants to attack, picking it up and pinching it between her own legs. With her arm wrapped around the leg, Leticia grabs her own collar, and brings the leg to the outside of her body. No she pulls down on the collar and lifts up the leg to take her opponent down and establish top control.Add to Favorites 676 Remove From Favorites 2716 days ago
Breaking down her stand up game, Leticia shows the basics of grip fighting. First she makes sure to keep good posture with her knees slightly bent. When her opponent reaches to make a collar grip, she swats the hand and makes a sleeve grip if possible. Then her other hand reaches for the collar. If her opponent makes a collar grip, Leticia grabs the sleeve with both hands, pinches the wrist and pulls the grip off. If her opponent makes a sleeve grip, Leticia either circles her hand to break it, or pulls her arm hard and fast, away from her opponent.Add to Favorites 750 Remove From Favorites 2717 days ago
Leticia shows another common self defense situation when her attacker is in her guard choking her. She crosses her arms with one going under her attackers arm and cupping the other elbow, and her other arm reaches across to grab the shoulder. She climbs her legs over her attacker's shoulders and closes a high guard. Now she passes her leg over the head, grabs the wrist with both hands, and raises her hips off the ground to finish the armbar.Add to Favorites 656 Remove From Favorites 2718 days ago
Leticia now shows a common self defense situation when she is on her back and her attacker is standing above her. She keeps her feet in the air to protect herself and keep her attacker at a distance. If her attacker moves around, she follows by rocking and pivoting, using her hands on the ground to help her. When her attacker is square, she pushes her away with her feet on the hips, sits up posted on her arm, and does the technical stand up, making sure to protect her face with her free arm. Now she can run for help.Add to Favorites 804 Remove From Favorites 2718 days ago
Leticia combines two of the most basic and important movements in Jiu-Jitsu, the hip escape and technical stand up, and uses them in a self defense situation common for women in particular. Her attacker is in her guard and choking her. Leticia first creates space by posting her feet on the mat and escaping her hips until she can place her feet on her opponent's hips. She pushes away some more and sits up, posting on her elbow. She places her opposite foot on the mat and pushes off the hip with her other foot, to stand up into base, protecting her face with her free arm. Finally, she runs away to escape her attacker.Add to Favorites 602 Remove From Favorites 2720 days ago
Saulo sits down with Leticia Ribeiro to talk about her background, her academy in San Diego, and much more.