Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 6 - Birth of the Knee Shield

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 6 - Birth of the Knee Shield

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Xande is successful using his arm to block the crossface, but now when Saulo brings his arm over Xande's head, he also switches his base to smash with his hips. This is when Xande can punch his knee in between them and start shielding. Here he can start to extend his body away and push off Saulo's hips to create the space he needs to bring his leg all the way through and replace the guard.

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 5 - Passing the Open Guard

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 5 - Passing the Open Guard

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Now Saulo is looking to pass Xande's open guard, and there three key points he focuses on. First, he makes sure not to stay right in the center of Xande's legs. Second, he looks to make Xande turn to one side or the other. Third, he doesn't let Xande place his feet on his hips. Once he is ready to make his move, Saulo steps to the side and pushes Xande's foot down, stuffing it between his legs. Here is where he can establish a solid base and has several passing options depending on Xande's reaction.

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 4 - Blocking the Armpit to Replace Guard

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 4 - Blocking the Armpit to Replace Guard

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Xande is in his guard and protecting his head against the cross face as before, so now Saulo brings his arm over Xande's head, looking to settle in a strong position. Immediately Xande uses his other arm as a shield in Saulo's armpit to block him. Now with his hand that was protecting his face, Xande pushes away at Saulo's hip or knee to keep the space open where he can slide his knee back through and replace his closed guard.

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 3 - Escaping the Triangle

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 3 - Escaping the Triangle

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Saulo is caught in Xande's triangle, so his first thing is to not panic and to not let his head move forward, toward Xande's body. Next he throws his inside arm across Xande's body, framing with his elbow, and steps his leg up to place his knee on Xande's body. Now he has angled himself in a way it is hard for Xande to attack. From here, he can take his time and inch his way back until the legs are forced open and he can escape, immediately looking to pass the guard.

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 2 - Blocking Saulo's Cross Face

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brother's Game 2 - Blocking Saulo's Cross Face

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After continually getting cross faced and dealing with heavy shoulder pressure, Xande began to train with his hand on his head and his forearm protecting his face. Now when Saulo goes to cross face, Xande is able to block it and focus on replacing his guard. This is a great drill to practice or use in live training.

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brothers Game 1 - Opening Xande's Closed Guard

Saulo and Xande - How to Beat My Brothers Game 1 - Opening Xande's Closed Guard

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In this seminar, Saulo and Xande take turns teaching how to stop each other's game. First up is Saulo with his method of dealing with Xande's dangerous closed guard. He begins by grabbing both lapels and pulling Xande to him a little, just before he jumps to his feet and establishes a strong base, trapping Xande's legs with his elbows and thighs. When Xande goes to adjust his position, Saulo pushes down and steps back a little and to the side as much as he can, forcing the legs open. Now he pushes down on the legs and begins his passing.

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