Eduardo Inojosa Series 10 - Cross Collar Choke from Knee On Belly

Eduardo Inojosa Series 10 - Cross Collar Choke from Knee On Belly

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Starting in side control, Eduardo post one hand at his opponent's far hip and the other under the head, and hops up to a knee on belly position. He brings his hand from the hip to sink a deep cross collar grip with his fingers inside and his other hand grabs the cloth on the cross shoulder. Now he squeezes the choke as he lowers his head to the mat to get the finish.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 8 - Kouchi Gari to Single Leg Takedown

Eduardo Inojosa Series 8 - Kouchi Gari to Single Leg Takedown

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Combining two takedowns, Eduardo first grabs the same side lapel and pulls his opponent to him as he sweeps across at the inside of his opponent's foot. His opponent reacts by stepping his leg out, so Eduardo drops to his knees and grabs the near leg. Now he can stand up and drive or run the pipe to finish the takedown.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 7 - Toreando Pass from De La Riva Guard

Eduardo Inojosa Series 7 - Toreando Pass from De La Riva Guard

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Starting in his opponent's De La Riva guard, Eduardo grips both pant legs on the outside of the knees, turns his knee out to break the hook, and pushes the legs away as he pulls his own body back to create space. It is also helpful to push enough that his opponent's hips are off the mat. Now he can choose a side to pass to and establish side control.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 6 - Half Guard Knee Shield Sweep

Eduardo Inojosa Series 6 - Half Guard Knee Shield Sweep

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Starting from his half guard, Eduardo places his knee shield at his opponent's chest, and makes a cross collar grip and a pants grip at the outside of the far knee. Next he pushes at his opponent, causing him to push back, and he uses the momentum to throw him over the top, forcing him to post on his hands. Now Eduardo can escape his hips, get to his elbow and stand up in base, keeping control of his opponent's leg as he comes up and forcing the sweep.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 5 - Guard Pull to Hook Sweep

Eduardo Inojosa Series 5 - Guard Pull to Hook Sweep

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Eduardo pulls guard and feeds the lapel around the leg, looking for the same sweep shown in the previous technique, but this time his opponent reacts by dropping his weight and settling on his knees. Now Eduardo makes a sleeve grip, escapes his hips so he's on his side, and places his outside hook in the groin. From here he just kicks the knee away and pulls the sleeve to get to the top and finish the sweep.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 4 - Guard Pull to Single Leg Sweep

Eduardo Inojosa Series 4 - Guard Pull to Single Leg Sweep

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From standing, Eduardo makes a grip on the collar and pulls it to him as he drops down to his guard, with both legs going underneath his opponent. The same side shin as his collar grip blocks his opponent's leg as he feeds the lapel to his other hand, wrapping up the other leg and securing a single leg grip. Now he pulls the collar and kicks his shin back to make his opponent go forward and post his hand. With his opponent's weight off him now, Eduardo can turn to his elbow and stand up with the single leg to finish the sweep.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 3 - Leg Drag Pass from Lasso Guard

Eduardo Inojosa Series 3 - Leg Drag Pass from Lasso Guard

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From inside his opponent's lasso guard, Eduardo first swims his hand inside the thigh and steps his knee in to block the leg, and with his other hand he grabs the bottom of the pants. From here he stacks his opponent, pulls his arm to break the lasso grip and brings it across the legs to grab the collar and finish with a nice leg drag pass ti side control.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 2 - Over-Under Pass from Closed Guard

Eduardo Inojosa Series 2 - Over-Under Pass from Closed Guard

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From inside the closed guard, Eduardo again uses the double lapel and sleeve grips to stand up and pushes the knee to open the guard. Before his opponent's hips lands on the ground, he swims his arm underneath the leg and makes a lapel grip, and then he stuffs the other leg between his own. Here he pinches the leg tight with his own legs and keeps a heavy shoulder pressure on his opponent. Now he walks toward the under side and steps over the leg to pass the guard and work to establish side control.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 1 - Closed Guard Pass Jumping Over the Leg

Eduardo Inojosa Series 1 - Closed Guard Pass Jumping Over the Leg

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Eduardo Inojosa is an active BJJ competitor and friends of the Ribeiro Brothers, as he comes from the same town in Manaus as they do. Here he shows one of his favorite passes from the closed guard. First he makes a double lapel grip with his elbow pressuring the hip, and his other hand makes a sleeve grip and pressures the arm into the stomach. He stands up and switches the sleeve grip to his other hand, and uses his free hand to press and open the knee. When the legs open, Eduardo switches his sleeve grip back to the same side lapel and uses his elbow to put pressure on the stomach, while his hand on the knee now makes a pants grip at the bottom of the leg and pushes it down. Now he jumps over the leg, and lands on the side with his shoulder pressuring the stomach. From here switches to the cross face and hugs the legs to establish his side control position.

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