Xande's Classic Guard 2 - Creating Movement with the Jack Lever

Xande's Classic Guard 2 - Creating Movement with the Jack Lever

Add to Favorites 636 Remove From Favorites 1735 days ago

Now Xande shows how he can keep his diamond posture and use his jack lever, or bottom foot, to keep himself moving and following his opponent. He can use this as a drill by having his partner walk around him, and he uses his foot to pull him and stay in front of his partner.

Xande's Classic Guard 1 - Flaring Your Shin Shield and Using Your Blades

Xande's Classic Guard 1 - Flaring Your Shin Shield and Using Your Blades

Add to Favorites 755 Remove From Favorites 1736 days ago

In this series Xande covers his favorite topic, the classic guard. He begins with a lesson on using his flare, which is his shin shield that he flares open and uses to break his opponent's grips on him. When his shield flares open to break the grips, he refers to this as his blade cutting through the arm. By doing this he can control where his opponent's arm is and open things up for attack.

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