Xande Enter the Matrix 11 - Dragon Tail Sweep

Xande Enter the Matrix 11 - Dragon Tail Sweep

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Xande gets to the matrix, climbs on his elbow and looks to get on his knee so he can attack the back. But this time his opponent clamps down and holds his foot and leg so Xande can't take his back. Now Xande whips his back leg like a dragon tail til his knee gets to the shoulder. The momentum will force his opponent to roll and he will end up in a strong S-mount position.

Xande Enter the Matrix 10 - Matrix Back Take

Xande Enter the Matrix 10 - Matrix Back Take

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Now after getting to his matrix position, Xande looks to take the back by using his armpit grip and the leverage of his calf on the back to pull himself to the top. He pulls his bottom leg through to get on his knee and establish his first hook. Now he can see what his opponent is giving him and look for many attacks from here.

Xande Enter the Matrix 9 - Xande Sweep 3021

Xande Enter the Matrix 9 - Xande Sweep 3021

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Now from his Matrix side closed guard, Xande's opponent starts trying to walk toward his back. Xande steps that side leg down on the mat, keeping his other heel heavy on the hip. Now using his armpit grip he torques his opponent and rolls him over to establish top position. He can look to attack the arm or settle into S position.

Xande Enter the Matrix 8 - Matrix Reverse Armbar

Xande Enter the Matrix 8 - Matrix Reverse Armbar

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Having gotten to his matrix side closed guard, Xande is now ready throw attacks at his opponent. His option is to grab the far armpit and swim his arm under the arm, trapping it to his body. He secures a solid grip at the elbow and crunches his body and he flexes to finish the reverse armbar.

Xande Enter the Matrix 7 - Enter the Matrix

Xande Enter the Matrix 7 - Enter the Matrix

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Now Xande shows how he enters the matrix, which is a variation of the side closed guard. After dragging the arm across, he shifts his hips up so his legs are higher up on his opponent's body and the arm is on his hip in the pocket. Now he is ready for more attacks.

Xande Enter the Matrix 6 - Side Closed Guard Setup when Opponent Tries to Break Collar Grip

Xande Enter the Matrix 6 - Side Closed Guard Setup when Opponent Tries to Break Collar Grip

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Now while in his classic collar and sleeve guard, Xande's opponent grabs Xande's wrist in attempt to break his collar grip. Xande keeps a strong collar grip and cups the elbow with his other hand. Using his opponent's force against him, Xande switches his hips and gets to his side closed guard.

Xande Enter the Matrix 5 - Hip Switch Using a 2-on-1 Grip

Xande Enter the Matrix 5 - Hip Switch Using a 2-on-1 Grip

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Xande goes over the hip switch again, but this time he is using a 2-on-1 sleeve grip rather than the classic guard collar and sleeve grips.

Xande Enter the Matrix 4 - Hip Switch to Side Closed Guard

Xande Enter the Matrix 4 - Hip Switch to Side Closed Guard

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Xande goes over in detail how to do a proper hip switch, changing direction from one side to the other. Too often he sees people only switch half way and end up on their back. First he shows the movement in a solo drill and then applies it to setting up your side closed guard.

Xande Enter the Matrix 3 - Scissors Choke

Xande Enter the Matrix 3 - Scissors Choke

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Again Xande is looking for the scissors sweep from classic guard, but his opponent defends by stepping over his leg, giving Xande the opportunity to make his second choke grip. While keeping his scissors activated in his legs, he pulls his opponent's head toward his hip and uses his back muscles to finish the choke.

Xande Enter the Matrix 2 - Knee Push Scissors Sweep

Xande Enter the Matrix 2 - Knee Push Scissors Sweep

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This time when Xande sets up his classic scissors sweep, his opponent shifts his weight and changes the angle, making it hard for Xande to scissors. Now Xande places his foot on the knee and pushes to get the sweep, all while making sure to stay elegant, or keep his body extended.

Xande Enter the Matrix 1 - Scissors Sweep from Classic Guard

Xande Enter the Matrix 1 - Scissors Sweep from Classic Guard

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In this series Xande starts off with some simple sweeps and techniques from the classic guard, then dives deeper into using the movements to set up the matrix, which is a position he uses in the side closed guard. First off is a classic scissors sweep to mount, which Xande shows how to set up when your opponent steps over your leg.

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