CH 3.1 - Back Take from Curu Curu Guard

CH 3.2 - Footlock from Curu Curu Guard

CH 3.2 - Footlock from Curu Curu Guard

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The footlock is an excellent option if you are having trouble sweeping your opponent from the Curu Curu guard.

CH 3.3 - Magreti Choke

CH 3.3 - Magreti Choke

Add to Favorites 1974 Remove From Favorites 4221 days ago

The Magreti Choke is a gi choke submission that can be initiated from the butterfly or open guard.

CH 3.4 - Rolete Choke

CH 3.4 - Rolete Choke

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The Rolete Choke looks similar to a loop choke but it is NOT a loop choke! This sneaky submission can be initiated from butterfly or open guard and is sure to catch your opponent off guard.

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