Options to Transition to Mount from Hip to Shoulder Side Control

Options to Transition to Mount from Hip to Shoulder Side Control

Add to Favorites 2336 Remove From Favorites 3941 days ago

Xande continues his series on how to transition to the mount from the side control from the reverse kesa gatame (hip to shoulder side control). In this lesson, we learn three classic ways to get our leg across to establish the full mount position.

Hip to Hip Side Control Transition to the Mount via Knee on Belly

Hip to Hip Side Control Transition to the Mount via Knee on Belly

Add to Favorites 2515 Remove From Favorites 3942 days ago

Xande teaches one of the most common and fundamental ways to transition from side control to the mount position. In this lesson we start from the hip to hip side control and bring our knee along the line of our opponent's belt to transition all the way to the mount.

Controlling Side Control with Hip to Hip or Hip to Shoulder

Controlling Side Control with Hip to Hip or Hip to Shoulder

Add to Favorites 2027 Remove From Favorites 3943 days ago

Xande teaches how to position your body in the side control with your hip to your opponent's hip or hip to their shoulder to maintain a dominant side control. Depending on how your opponent reacts, you may have to mold your weight distribution to a different point of control to keep your opponent pinned to the ground. We learn that there are three points of control to apply pressure to control our opponents: the hips, the shoulders, or the neck. By understanding to apply pressure to these three points of control and how they work in pinning your opponent, we can begin to create a more dynamic strategy to control your opponent in the side control.

JJU 27-15 Passing Butterfly with Shin to Shin Pass

JJU 27-15 Passing Butterfly with Shin to Shin Pass

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Saulo finishes the butterfly guard pass chapter with the shin to shin pass. In this pass we utilize or shin to immobilize our opponent's legs for the pass.

JJU 27-14 Butterfly Pass with X-Pass

JJU 27-14 Butterfly Pass with X-Pass

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Saulo teaches how to pass the butterfly guard with the X pass. The X pass is a great option to pass while standing against any open or butterfly guard.

JJU 27-13 Butterfly Pass with Wheel Pass

JJU 27-13 Butterfly Pass with Wheel Pass

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Saulo teaches the wheel pass to pass the butterfly guard. Using your grips, spin your opponent like a wheel to bypass their guard as you collapse your hips to solidify the pass. The grips may be hard to establish but once they are set the wheel pass is quick.

JJU 32-02 Passing Reverse De la Riva Guard with Side Smash Pass

JJU 32-02 Passing Reverse De la Riva Guard with Side Smash Pass

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In this lesson Xande teaches how to pass the reverse de la riva guard with a review of the side smash pass. The side smash pass is a good option to break your opponent's de la riva grip. It is powerful in combination with other passes because your opponent will now feel threatened against the pass on both sides regardless of the de la riva hand grip on the ankle.

JJU 27-12 Butterfly Sweep Counter with Hip Switch to Mount

JJU 27-12 Butterfly Sweep Counter with Hip Switch to Mount

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Saulo continues the hip switch butterfly pass series and shows a variation of the hip switch that will allow you to progress directly to the mount. The hip switch to the mount is most effective when your opponent continues to insist on sweeping you with the butterfly hook. Instead of fighting against their energy, redirect the angle of the leg to smash the hook and position yourself to mount your opponent.

JJU 15-0 to 15-3 Closed Guard Arm Wrap Collar Choke or Arm Wrap Straight Arm Lock Combo

JJU 15-0 to 15-3 Closed Guard Arm Wrap Collar Choke or Arm Wrap Straight Arm Lock Combo

Add to Favorites 2229 Remove From Favorites 3985 days ago

Xande teaches how to set up the arm wrap position from the closed guard. The arm wrap guard is a strong position to control your opponent because your control greatly limits their options. In this lesson we learn how to set up the straight arm lock or collar choke with the arm wrap control.

JJU 27-08 Passing Cross Grip Butterfly with Knee Press Pass

JJU 27-08 Passing Cross Grip Butterfly with Knee Press Pass

Add to Favorites 1175 Remove From Favorites 3995 days ago

In this lesson we build on the knee press pass and modify our passing approach to address the cross grip.

JJU 27-07 Butterfly Forward Knee Press Pass

JJU 27-07 Butterfly Forward Knee Press Pass

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In this lesson we learn to pass the butterfly guard by using our front knee to press against your opponent's legs and change the angle of our hips to neutralize the hooks for the pass.

JJU 29-0 to 29-1 Passing Crossgrip Guard with Same Side Knee Cut Pass

JJU 29-0 to 29-1 Passing Crossgrip Guard with Same Side Knee Cut Pass

Add to Favorites 1136 Remove From Favorites 4003 days ago

Saulo teaches to pass the cross grip guard with the same side knee cut pass. When your opponent has you in their cross grip guard, be careful not to try to pass to the wrong side. Use the same side knee cut pass to play into the action reaction principle and drop your weight over the dominated side, letting your weight and your opponent's strength from pulling fuel your guard pass into side control.