JJU 28-2 Classic Leg Lasso Pass by Changing Angles

JJU 28-2 Classic Leg Lasso Pass by Changing Angles

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Saulo teaches a classic way to pass the leg lasso pass by changing the angle of your body to weaken the lasso. Often times your opponent will sense that they can take your back and release the lasso willingly, but if they don't, change angles and pressure the leg to smash their leg or cut around their leg to pass the guard.

JJU 28-0 to 28-1 Spider Guard Pass with Break and Pass

JJU 28-0 to 28-1 Spider Guard Pass with Break and Pass

Add to Favorites 1491 Remove From Favorites 4002 days ago

Saulo teaches how to break the spider guard control and pass the guard. In this pass we change the angles of our arms to relieve the pressure from the spider guard and redirect the legs to the side to finish the pass.

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