JJU 30-03 Passing Deep De la Riva with Classic Negative Side Hip Switch Pass

JJU 30-03 Passing Deep De la Riva with Classic Negative Side Hip Switch Pass

Add to Favorites 2022 Remove From Favorites 3576 days ago

Saulo teaches how to use the classic negative side hip switch pass when you are late to react to the deep de la riva and your opponent has the deep hook in. We use the classic hip switch but the positioning and being able to stop your opponent's upper body movements with your grip are vital to ensure they do not spin underneath you for a sweep.

JJU 30-3 Passing the Deep De la Riva Guard

JJU 30-3 Passing the Deep De la Riva Guard

Add to Favorites 1535 Remove From Favorites 3710 days ago

Saulo teaches how to pass the deep de la riva guard by cutting across with your knee and blocking your opponent's shoulder to prevent them from spinning underneath you.

JJU 30-0 to 30-1 De la Riva Pass with Unlock and Pass

JJU 30-0 to 30-1 De la Riva Pass with Unlock and Pass

Add to Favorites 1166 Remove From Favorites 3871 days ago

Saulo teaches a basic way to pass the De la Riva guard by unlocking the hook and using your knee to cut across and around your opponent's guard.

JJU 30-01 & 30-02 De la Riva Unlock Pass, Hook Escape Pass

JJU 30-01 & 30-02 De la Riva Unlock Pass, Hook Escape Pass

Add to Favorites 1324 Remove From Favorites 4151 days ago

This video contains two guard pass lessons 30-1 and 30-2 from Page 270-272 of the JJU Book. 30-1 Unlock & Pass 30-2 Hook Escape Pass

JJU 30-04 Leg Drag Pass

JJU 30-04 Leg Drag Pass

Add to Favorites 1493 Remove From Favorites 4151 days ago

30-4 Leg Drag Pass This is a classic leg drag pass that can be initiated from open guard, de la riva guard, or the closed guard break by standing series. This lesson was not included in the JJU book and is a modern guard pass added to the video series.

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