JJU 18-03 to 18-5 Classic Butterfly Sweep

JJU 18-03 to 18-5 Classic Butterfly Sweep

Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 889 4041 days ago

Xande explains how to set up and perform the classic butterfly hook sweep when your opponent approaches you on both knees.

JJU 18-06 Wing Sweep from Butterfly Guard

JJU 18-06 Wing Sweep from Butterfly Guard

Add to Favorites 1002 Remove From Favorites 4043 days ago

Xande explains how to perform the wing sweep from butterfly guard when your opponent attempts to force a leg rope pass against you.

Ankle Pick Sweep from Butterfly

Ankle Pick Sweep from Butterfly

Add to Favorites 761 Remove From Favorites 4073 days ago

Xande teaches how to set up the Ankle Pick Sweep from butterfly guard. Xande covers specific details such as the optimal distance for setting up the sweep and various ways to get your opponent to posture up to set up the sweep.

Terere Seminar 1 - Classic Butterfly Hook Sweep

Terere Seminar 1 - Classic Butterfly Hook Sweep

Add to Favorites 1594 Remove From Favorites 4077 days ago

Terere teaches how to set up the classic butterfly hook sweep.

Terere Seminar 2 - Classic Butterfly Sweep when Opponent Sits Back

Terere Seminar 2 - Classic Butterfly Sweep when Opponent Sits Back

Add to Favorites 1294 Remove From Favorites 4077 days ago

Terere teaches how to set up the classic butterfly hook sweep.

Terere Seminar 3 - Butterfly Switchback Sweep

Terere Seminar 3 - Butterfly Switchback Sweep

Add to Favorites 1226 Remove From Favorites 4077 days ago

Terere teaches Xande details on how to execute the switchback sweep and talks about the strengths of specific belt grips when executing sweeps from the butterfly position.

Terere Seminar 4 - Baiting Esgrima Pass for Classic Butterfly Sweep

Terere Seminar 4 - Baiting Esgrima Pass for Classic Butterfly Sweep

Add to Favorites 1052 Remove From Favorites 4077 days ago

This lesson we learn how to bait the esgrima pass, using our opponent's pass to execute a classic butterfly sweep to the other side.

JJU 17-11 Collar Dragging Standing Opponent

JJU 17-11 Collar Dragging Standing Opponent

Add to Favorites 1061 Remove From Favorites 4094 days ago

Xande explains how to set up the collar drag when your opponent is looking to pass your guard with the torreada or other standing passes. This lesson can be found on page 137 under the title "17-11 Collar Drag off Torreando Defense"

Butterfly Sweep Variation - Double Underhooks with the Goose Neck Grip

Butterfly Sweep Variation - Double Underhooks with the Goose Neck Grip

Add to Favorites 544 Remove From Favorites 4115 days ago

Rodrigo Pagani teaches a variation to the Classic Butterfly sweep. This sweep utilizes different grips to control your opponent's elbows and break their base.

JJU 18-01 to 18-04 Butterfly Control, Distance, and Classic Sweep

JJU 18-01 to 18-04 Butterfly Control, Distance, and Classic Sweep

Add to Favorites 1208 Remove From Favorites 4121 days ago

This video contains lessons 13-2, 13-3, and 13-4 from pages 242 and 146-147 of the JJU Book.

Classic Butterfly Sweep Attempt to Switchback Sweep

Classic Butterfly Sweep Attempt to Switchback Sweep

Add to Favorites 597 Remove From Favorites 4126 days ago

Saulo shows a plan B to the Classic Butterfly Sweep by sweeping your opponent to the other side.

Classic Butterfly Sweep and Failed Classic Sweep to Back-Take

Classic Butterfly Sweep and Failed Classic Sweep to Back-Take

Add to Favorites 715 Remove From Favorites 4127 days ago

Saulo explains the mechanics and grips on how to perform the classic butterfly sweep. If your opponent stays heavy and refuses to give in to the classic sweep, you can transition to the back-take instead.