Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 780 2332 days ago
Touching on a few key points to pulling guard, it is important to know that if you're competing, you must have a grip on your opponent before you sit down. Also, for this technique, he does not go to his back, rather he stays in a seated position. If his opponent has a strong base and is not falling backward from the hooks alone, he can let go of the sleeve and push the legs back.
Add to Favorites 673 Remove From Favorites 2333 days ago
In preparation for competition, Gustavo Dias shows a guard pull to a quick sweep that has been successful for him. He first grabs his opponent's sleeve with both his grips and then sits down to pull guard. The most common reaction is for his opponent to walk backward, so Gustavo pulls himself in and hooks his feet behind the ankles. Now he simply pulls his feet in to sweep and get to the top position.Add to Favorites 533 Remove From Favorites 2427 days ago
Touching on some details of the collar drag, Saulo first notes the importance of not stretching your leg too much when your foot is on the hip, which can allow your opponent to easily pass your guard. Another key point is to not pull your opponent on top of you when dragging the collar. To avoid this, he puts his weight on his posted hand and foot on the hip, keeping his own hip off the mat. Now when he drags the collar, he can easily shift his body to the outside. This is when he flip the "S" by rotating his legs and hips to face the other side, placing him in a position next to his opponent where he can easily climb to the back or finish on top.Add to Favorites 713 Remove From Favorites 2439 days ago
Using a similar set up as the last sweep, Xande is in position for the tripod sweep, and moves his foot on the hip to the mat between and behind his opponent's legs. Using his heel for leverage, he pulls himself underneath his opponent and wraps his leg around the leg, placing his heel on the hip, and his other foot moves from behind the far knee to behind the near thigh. Xande keeps his knees pinched together and his elbow closed tight, keeping the leg trapped. To knock his opponent down, he raises his hips and points his inside knee toward the trapped leg. Now he can easily sit up to his base and establish top position.Add to Favorites 752 Remove From Favorites 2440 days ago
Xande is playing his open guard and is in position for the first tripod sweep, but his opponent defends, so Xande turns his knee out, places it behind his opponent's knee and uses it along with his grips to pull his opponent closer to him. Next he moves his foot from the near hip to the far hip, making an X with his legs, and he wraps his arm around his opponent's leg and grabs his own collar. Now he drops his other foot from behind the knee down behind the heel, and straightens his leg as he pushes his opponent back, putting him on his butt. From here Xande can sit up to his base to finish the sweep, and then fall back on his side to attack the foot lock.Add to Favorites 802 Remove From Favorites 2441 days ago
Xande has his open guard sling shot position set up, with a cross collar and pants grip. His opponent breaks the collar grip and throws Xande's leg off his hip and to the side, leaving Xande with only a pants grip. Xande immediately turns his hips to face his opponent and puts his top leg in the hips. Now he brings his bottom foot right behind the heel and kicks it forward as he pushes the hips back, knocking his opponent backwards, allowing him to come to the top.Add to Favorites 776 Remove From Favorites 2442 days ago
Using a variation of his classic open guard, Xande has his foot on his opponent's hip, a cross collar grip and a same side pants grip, while his free leg can push the far thigh or biceps. Here he is pulling tight on his grips to break his opponent's posture and forcing him to bend over. Xande places his free leg behind the far knee, and now he pulls with that hook and his pant grip as he pushes with his foot on the hip, forcing his opponent to fall backward. As he comes to the top, he keeps his hook knee in the middle and steps his other leg outside, already in a good position to pass the guard.Add to Favorites 723 Remove From Favorites 2482 days ago
Eduardo pulls guard and feeds the lapel around the leg, looking for the same sweep shown in the previous technique, but this time his opponent reacts by dropping his weight and settling on his knees. Now Eduardo makes a sleeve grip, escapes his hips so he's on his side, and places his outside hook in the groin. From here he just kicks the knee away and pulls the sleeve to get to the top and finish the sweep.Add to Favorites 746 Remove From Favorites 2483 days ago
From standing, Eduardo makes a grip on the collar and pulls it to him as he drops down to his guard, with both legs going underneath his opponent. The same side shin as his collar grip blocks his opponent's leg as he feeds the lapel to his other hand, wrapping up the other leg and securing a single leg grip. Now he pulls the collar and kicks his shin back to make his opponent go forward and post his hand. With his opponent's weight off him now, Eduardo can turn to his elbow and stand up with the single leg to finish the sweep.Add to Favorites 643 Remove From Favorites 2599 days ago
Starting again from collar and sleeve guard, Victor sets up his hook and pulls his opponent on top, the same as he did in the previous technique. This time after he swims his arm under the leg, his opponent stands up. Now Victor reaches to grab the pants on the far leg, and with one foot still on the hip and the other hooked behind the knee, he raises his hips to knock his opponent backward. Here he can come to the top to finish the sweep, and begin to set up whatever guard pass he likes.Add to Favorites 647 Remove From Favorites 2600 days ago
Professor Victor is playing classic collar and sleeve guard, but he can't move his opponent because his base is too heavy. He drops his bottom foot between his opponent's legs, releases the sleeve grip to grab the pants at the knee, and uses his top foot to make a hook inside the thigh. Now he straightens his bottom leg as he pulls his opponent on top of him and then pushes him away, making space to bring his foot around the leg and on the hip. Next he swims his arm under the leg, and moves his foot from the hip to make a hook under the leg. He stretches his legs to push his opponent away, and stands up in base to come to the top, immediately looking to throw the leg and pass the guard.Add to Favorites 847 Remove From Favorites 2771 days ago
Xande is standing up with his opponent and gets the classic collar and triceps grips. He pushes his opponent a little to get the push back reaction from him, and he uses the opportunity to step to the side of the collar grip and pull guard. As he pulls, he hooks his foot behind the knee to elevate his opponent, and his other foot scissors at the ankle to sweep him. The key to this position is making sure he steps aside to pull his guard at an angle, rather than straight on.