Inside the University 769 - De La Riva Series Review

Inside the University 769 - De La Riva Series Review

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Victor briefly goes over each of the techniques he showed and offers some extra details on when and how he likes to attempt them.

Inside the University 766 - De La Riva Guard Sweep to Mount

Inside the University 766 - De La Riva Guard Sweep to Mount

Add to Favorites 521 Remove From Favorites 1929 days ago

After winning his first competition as black belt at Abu Dhabi Grand Slam in Moscow, Victor Hugo shows his favorite series of sweeps and armbars from the De La Riva guard, which helped him win the title. With both sleeve grips and his De La Riva hook in place, he keeps his opponent at a distance with his other foot on the far thigh. When his opponent drops to his knee, Victor sits up, kicks the leg away and pulls the arm, knocking his opponent to his side. He lets go of the top sleeve grip and posts his hand as he comes to the top and mounts his opponent.

Inside the University 703 - Berimbolo to Leg Drag

Inside the University 703 - Berimbolo to Leg Drag

Add to Favorites 579 Remove From Favorites 2022 days ago

Next up, another competitor teaches a berimbolo to leg drag sweep he used at the Pan Ams. Starting in De La Riva guard with the pants and cross collar grip, he then places his other foot on the near him and knocks his opponent down backward. He places his foot across the far hip now, and inverts to a berimbolo, with the leg in between his. He slides his knee under the leg and angles his shin to hook his foot behind the heel. Now he uses the leverage to roll back the way he came from, settling in the leg drag position.

Monique Elias Spider Guard 5 - Back Roll Sweep when Opponent is Passing

Monique Elias Spider Guard 5 - Back Roll Sweep when Opponent is Passing

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In a variation from her previous sweep, Monique now shows how she uses the back roll to sweep her opponent while trying to pass. Her opponent has taken off the De La Riva hook, and worked her way to Monique's side, looking to establish the pass. While keeping her foot in the biceps leg stretched, Monique times her back roll to use her opponent's momentum, and sweeps her, landing in side control or north south position.

Monique Elias Spider Guard 4 - Back Roll Sweep from De La Riva Guard

Monique Elias Spider Guard 4 - Back Roll Sweep from De La Riva Guard

Add to Favorites 827 Remove From Favorites 2625 days ago

Monique has her lasso guard and her opponent stands up with a good base, so Monique puts her free foot in the biceps, and removes her lasso, swinging her leg to the De La Riva guard. Pushing off her feet, Monique uses her core to spin toward her De La Riva hook. As she spins, she stretches her foot in the biceps, and uses the momentum to sweep her opponent backward. She rolls back over her shoulder and lands in the mount.

Leticia Ribeiro Series 8 - De La Riva to X-Guard Sweep

Leticia Ribeiro Series 8 - De La Riva to X-Guard Sweep

Add to Favorites 802 Remove From Favorites 2665 days ago

From the De La Riva guard, with a sleeve and ankle grip, Leticia kicks the far knee away, forcing her opponent to lose balance and post with her hand. She brings her De La Riva hook around to the inside of the leg and makes an X-guard hook. With her bottom leg, Leticia pushes the shin as she pulls the sleeve down, sweeping her opponent and coming to the top.

Inside the University 351 - Sit Up Single Leg Sweep from De La Riva Guard

Inside the University 351 - Sit Up Single Leg Sweep from De La Riva Guard

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Yan "Pica-Pau" Lucas, who won third place in the Black Belt Lightweight Division at the 2017 World Championship, shows a sweep he used from the De La Riva guard. While hugging his own thigh to help trap the leg, he pulls out his opponent's far lapel and steps on it. His opponent reacts by stuffing the foot, so Yan sits up to S-position and feeds the lapel to his other hand through the legs. Now he pivots and lays down to Reverse De La Riva. He brings his free leg in to shin on shin, grabs the sleeve, and pushes his opponent away with his shin. His opponent tries to defend by standing up, so Yan stands with him, and finishes the single leg takedown.

Dominyka Obeylenyte Series 14 - Balloon Sweep from De La Riva Guard

Dominyka Obeylenyte Series 14 - Balloon Sweep from De La Riva Guard

Add to Favorites 746 Remove From Favorites 2763 days ago

From the open guard, with both sleeve grips, Dominyka makes a De La Riva hook and keeps her other foot on the hip. She pushes her opponent away at the hip, and she reacts by stepping forward. Dominyka pulls in with her legs and sleeve grips to lift her off the mat. Once she has her off her feet, she pushes the sleeves in and does a back roll, coming on top in the mount.

JT Torres 2nd Series 4 - De La Riva X-Guard Backside Sweep

JT Torres 2nd Series 4 - De La Riva X-Guard Backside Sweep

Add to Favorites 1247 Remove From Favorites 2988 days ago

JT sets up the De La Riva X-guard again, but now his opponent falls back and tries to free the hooks. JT opens his opponent's nearside lapel, feeds it to his other hand between his and his opponent's legs, and switches to his other hand again. Now he releases his top hook and posts on his free hand, maintaining the bottom hook like a butterfly guard. He extends his hook, comes to the top and smashes the legs, before windshield wiping his legs to pass to side control.

JT Torres 2nd Series 3 - De La Riva X-Guard Omoplata Sweep

JT Torres 2nd Series 3 - De La Riva X-Guard Omoplata Sweep

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From the De La Riva X-guard, JT releases the ankle grip and grabs the triceps, pulling the arm as he lays back. His bottom hook goes to the hip and he swings his top hook out and over the arm to lock up the omoplata. When his opponent rolls to defend, JT comes to the top and establishes side control.

JT Torres 2nd Series 2 - De La Riva X-Guard Turning Sweep

JT Torres 2nd Series 2 - De La Riva X-Guard Turning Sweep

Add to Favorites 1389 Remove From Favorites 2991 days ago

JT sets up the De La Riva X-guard as before, but now he lets go of the far sleeve and makes a collar grip instead. He releases his bottom hook to the mat, posts his hand that was holding the ankle, and lowers his top hook behind the ankle. Now while doing a technical stand up, he turns his opponent hard with the collar grip to sweep him. JT immediately sets up his knee cut pass to finish the position in side control.

JT Torres 2nd Series 1 - De La Riva X-Guard Frontside Sweep

JT Torres 2nd Series 1 - De La Riva X-Guard Frontside Sweep

Add to Favorites 1572 Remove From Favorites 2992 days ago

To start off his 2nd series with BJJ Library, JT Torres shows some sweeps from his well known De La Riva X-Guard. Starting in the De La Riva guard with an ankle and far sleeve grip, JT raises his hips and sinks in his deep De La Riva hook before bringing his second hook underneath and behind the thigh to set up the De La Riva X-Guard. Next he lets go of the ankle for the near side sleeve grip, then falls back and turns to sweep his opponent to his front. Now he underhooks the arm, frees his bottom hook and knee cuts over his opponent's leg to establish side control.