Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 13 - Omoplata Sweep to Armbar

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 13 - Omoplata Sweep to Armbar

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From the omoplata, Masakazu's opponent postures up, not allowing him to reach over the back. Instead, he swims his arm underneath the body to wrap it around his torso. He rolls to the side, landing on top from the omoplata sweep. Now he grabs the elbow, places his hand on the mat, and steps back, placing his leg across the face and sitting back right into the armbar.

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 11 - Knee On Belly Escape to Heel Hook

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 11 - Knee On Belly Escape to Heel Hook

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Masakazu's opponent has knee on belly, so he brings his knee behind the leg and grabs it with his arm, also behind the leg. He bumps him to the side, landing with the leg next to him, in perfect to position to grab the foot and finish the heel hook. He also shows a variation where he comes to the top and passes right away.

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 7 - Takedown to Heel Hook

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 7 - Takedown to Heel Hook

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From behind, Masakazu wraps his arms around the waist, and steps his leg between his opponent's legs. He falls to the mat and turns, using his leg to sweep his opponent back in the 50/50 guard, as he slides his arm down the leg and traps the foot. Using his arm, he torques the heel to finish the submission.

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 1 - Imanari Roll

Masakazu Imanari Leg Locks 1 - Imanari Roll

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In this series, Masakazu Imanari shows his famous Imanari Roll, and many other leg locks he uses in grappling and MMA. He starts off with a drill to practice the Imanari Roll. From a seated guard, with one leg between his legs, he reaches to the far leg, inverts and spins to the other leg, much like the kiss of the dragon. As he spins, his active leg wraps around his opponent's leg and his foot hooks behind the butt. Pinching the leg with both his legs, Imanari sweeps his opponent backward, landing with the foot in his side, ready to be finished with a heel hook.

Josh Hinger Guillotine Series 2 - Guillotine Setup to Anaconda Choke

Josh Hinger Guillotine Series 2 - Guillotine Setup to Anaconda Choke

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In this situation, Josh has sprawled on his opponent after he shot on him. After securing his guillotine grip, Josh sits into his "Gangster" guard and is able to put his opponent on his side with very limited mobility. Here Josh is able to trap arm with his legs and drag it across the neck, so he can lock up a tight anaconda choke.

Inside the University 970 - Exposing the Neck and Finishing the Choke

Inside the University 970 - Exposing the Neck and Finishing the Choke

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Saulo covers some details on how to expose your opponent's neck by bringing him up above you, and how to crunch your body to tighten and finish the choke.

Inside the University 969 - Cross Collar Choke Setup from Closed Guard

Inside the University 969 - Cross Collar Choke Setup from Closed Guard

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Now back to sport Jiu-Jitsu, Saulo switches his hips to his side and places both feet on his opponent's hips, while keeping his collar grip. He raises his top leg up to the armpit and pressures down to break his opponent's posture. Now the other side of the neck is exposed so he makes a grip on the gi. Using his foot on the hip to create leverage, Saulo pulls his opponent in and stretches his body away to finish the choke.

Inside the University 965 - Armbar with 2-on-1 Sleeve Grip

Inside the University 965 - Armbar with 2-on-1 Sleeve Grip

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Gustavo has his 2-on-1 sleeve grip and a foot on the hip, and his opponent is walking away from the foot on the hip looking to pass. As he walks that way, Gustavo ideally has his other foot on the biceps, and when his opponent gets square to him, he drops the foot down to the hip. While pulling the arm in, he elevates his hips and pinches the arm to attack the armbar.

Victor Hugo No Gi Worlds Series 4 - Knee Bar Setup from Single Leg X Guard

Victor Hugo No Gi Worlds Series 4 - Knee Bar Setup from Single Leg X Guard

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Victor sets up a single leg X guard with his hook on the outside leg, and he grabs his opponent's leg to begin his attack. His opponent tries to pull it out, so Victor readjusts his grip and brings the leg across to a 50/50 guard. From here he grabs the other leg and feints a sweep, causing his opponent to base his leg, which gives Victor the leverage he needs to finish the knee bar.

Rafael Lovato Jr. Timeless 2-on-1 Attacks 2 - Cross Sleeve Omoplata Setup

Rafael Lovato Jr. Timeless 2-on-1 Attacks 2 - Cross Sleeve Omoplata Setup

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Covering another option from the 2-on-1 cross sleeve grip, Rafael shows how he can transition to an omoplata by diving in and underhooking the leg, if his opponent defends his shin-on-shin attack.

Xande's Classic Guard 11 - Triangle Choke

Xande's Classic Guard 11 - Triangle Choke

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Xande shows two triangle setups from the classic guard to choose from that will each benefit different body types. A key point he makes is to block his opponent's free arm to stop him from throwing the leg down like an old school pass.

Xande's Classic Guard 9 - Cross Collar Choke

Xande's Classic Guard 9 - Cross Collar Choke

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From his classic guard, maybe when he goes for the scissors sweep, Xande's opponent steps over his leg so Xande immediately snake bites the trapped leg. At the same time, he catches his opponent's chin with his wrist making the collar grip. From here he can make his other collar grip and finish the choke, which is a better option for him than trying to get back to a closed guard to finish.