King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 9 - Armbar against Anaconda Choke Attempt

King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 9 - Armbar against Anaconda Choke Attempt

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Milton shows a way to your opponent's anaconda choke attempt with a slick armbar. We learn how to step out to create the proper space to roll into the armbar submission.

King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 7 - Anaconda Choke against No Arm Guillotine Attempt

King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 7 - Anaconda Choke against No Arm Guillotine Attempt

Add to Favorites 2046 Remove From Favorites 3855 days ago

In this lesson Milton teaches how to counter your opponent's no arm guillotine attempt from the butterfly guard. We combine an escape from the guillotine to transition into the set up of our own no arm anaconda choke.

King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 6 - Anaconda Choke from Knee Shield against Forced Half Guard

King of Anacondas with Milton Vieira 6 - Anaconda Choke from Knee Shield against Forced Half Guard

Add to Favorites 2177 Remove From Favorites 3855 days ago

Milton shows a way to set up the choke as your opponent attempts to transition into your half guard. Often times your opponent may choose to try to force the half guard after trying to pass your knee shield. There is an opportunity to set up the anaconda choke right as they transition to force the half.

Jackson Sousa Spider Guard Sweeps 3 - Lasso Guard to Spinning Omoplata Sweep

Jackson Sousa Spider Guard Sweeps 3 - Lasso Guard to Spinning Omoplata Sweep

Add to Favorites 1604 Remove From Favorites 3904 days ago

Jackson teaches a spinning omoplata sweep variation from the lasso guard. Rather than using the traditional omoplata setup with the leg nested into the armpit, we use an x guard setup on our opponent's bicep to control the arm and sweep them.

Inside the University 94 - Knee Shield to Triangle or Omoplata

Inside the University 94 - Knee Shield to Triangle or Omoplata

Add to Favorites 1262 Remove From Favorites 3918 days ago

Xande teaches how to set your knee shield frame (also known as the three quarters or Z guard) and use your opponent's energy as they attempt to bear weight on you to set up a triangle or omoplata submission. In this lesson it is important that there is a connection between your frame and your opponent as it is vital to use their weight to shift your hips into position to set the submission.

Inside the University 90 - Kimura Setup to Armbar against Over Under Pass or Torreada Pass

Inside the University 90 - Kimura Setup to Armbar against Over Under Pass or Torreada Pass

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Xande teaches a way to use the underhook on your opponent's arm to spin into a kimura or arm bar when your opponent is attempting to pass your open guard with the over under pass or torreada (torreando) pass.

Rico Vieira Competition Techniques 5 - Brown Belt Champ Techniques, Classic Open Guard to Triangle, Omoplata, or Tripod Sweep Combo

Rico Vieira Competition Techniques 5 - Brown Belt Champ Techniques, Classic Open Guard to Triangle, Omoplata, or Tripod Sweep Combo

Add to Favorites 1777 Remove From Favorites 3968 days ago

Rico recalls the techniques that helped him win his 2 brown belt world titles. He explains that as your opponent gets more advanced, they will often break a grip and not let you control both sleeves to play a traditional spider guard. In this case, use the cross lapel and work a modified classic open guard to attack with the triangle, omoplata, or the tripod sweep.

Inside the University 50 - Butterfly Hook Sweep, Knee Pick, or X-Guard Single Leg Combination from Classic Guard

Inside the University 50 - Butterfly Hook Sweep, Knee Pick, or X-Guard Single Leg Combination from Classic Guard

Add to Favorites 862 Remove From Favorites 4034 days ago

Saulo continues the chain of attacks from the classic guard to butterfly guard transition. In this lesson we learn to go from the classic guard to the butterfly hook sweep, the butterfly knee pick, or x-guard single leg sweep as a combination attack from the classic guard.

Inside the University 49 - Palm Up Palm Down and Helio Gracie Choke Combo from Classic Guard

Inside the University 49 - Palm Up Palm Down and Helio Gracie Choke Combo from Classic Guard

Add to Favorites 1079 Remove From Favorites 4036 days ago

Saulo reviews the palm up palm down and helio gracie choke combination from the classic guard. The chokes are an essential attack to be mixed in with sweep attempts to ensure that your opponent is always threatened and never too comfortable in your closed or classic guard.

Inside the University 48 - Helio Gracie Choke and Butterfly Hook Sweep Combo from Classic Open Guard

Inside the University 48 - Helio Gracie Choke and Butterfly Hook Sweep Combo from Classic Open Guard

Add to Favorites 1063 Remove From Favorites 4040 days ago

Saulo teaches the Helio Gracie choke (palm up palm up collar choke) and classic butterfly hook sweep as a combination attack from your classic open guard. He covers details on how to set up the grips as well as how to create the proper angle to finish the choke.

Inside the University 47 - Palm Up Palm Down Choke from Classic Open Guard

Inside the University 47 - Palm Up Palm Down Choke from Classic Open Guard

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Saulo teaches the palm up palm down choke from classic open guard. The details in the choke comes from creating the right angle to catch your grips and making space to tighten the choke for the tap.

Dean Lister Footlock Machine 5 - Arm In Guillotine

Dean Lister Footlock Machine 5 - Arm In Guillotine

Add to Favorites 1451 Remove From Favorites 4065 days ago

Dean teaches the basic arm in guillotine attack and explains that he prefers the arm in guillotine over the arm out guillotine because it is much harder to escape when you have your opponent's arm in. He shows the mechanics of how you crunch your core to apply the pressure that will get you the tap.