JJU 38-10 Americana from Side Control

JJU 38-10 Americana from Side Control

Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 1227 3920 days ago

Saulo provides a look into how to set up the americana submission from the side control position. This lesson is not in the JJU book and is an addition to the video series.

JJU 38-04 Spinning Armbar

JJU 38-04 Spinning Armbar

Add to Favorites 1874 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo teaches how to set up the spinning far-side armbar from side control.

JJU 38-06 Spinning Armbar to Kimura

JJU 38-06 Spinning Armbar to Kimura

Add to Favorites 1546 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo explains how to transition from the spinning armbar to the kimura submission from side control.

JJU 38-03 Roylers Armbar

JJU 38-03 Roylers Armbar

Add to Favorites 2426 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo teaches how to set up Roylers Armbar, a near-side armbar from side control.

JJU 38-08 Breadcutter Choke

JJU 38-08 Breadcutter Choke

Add to Favorites 1989 Remove From Favorites 3920 days ago

Saulo describes how to set up the breadcutter choke with your opponent's gi from side control.

Jeff Glover Deep Half and Sneaky Subs 12 - Modified Arm In Guillotine

Jeff Glover Deep Half and Sneaky Subs 12 - Modified Arm In Guillotine

Add to Favorites 1156 Remove From Favorites 3941 days ago

Jeff Glover teaches how he sets up his modified arm in guillotine and how he set this submission up from side control against Robson Moura.

Jeff Glover Deep Half and Sneaky Subs 3 - Triangle Setup from Side Control or Half Guard

Jeff Glover Deep Half and Sneaky Subs 3 - Triangle Setup from Side Control or Half Guard

Add to Favorites 1483 Remove From Favorites 3947 days ago

Jeff Glover talks about how he learned his favorite triangle set up from side control and half guard from Fernando Terere. You can watch Terere teach the same set up at the BJJ Library from his seminar "Terere Seminar" in the curriculum section!

Clark Gracie's Omoplata - Lapel Brabo Choke Variation from Side Control (Part 10/10)

Clark Gracie's Omoplata - Lapel Brabo Choke Variation from Side Control (Part 10/10)

Add to Favorites 1546 Remove From Favorites 3977 days ago

Clark shows a brabo choke variation that uses your own lapel to choke your opponent from side control. Being choked with your opponent's lapel is rare and you may be able to catch them off guard with this sneaky submission!

Terere Seminar 10 - Triangle from Side Control

Terere Seminar 10 - Triangle from Side Control

Add to Favorites 1233 Remove From Favorites 4077 days ago

Terere explains how to set up the Triangle from side control and provides 3 options to submit your opponent once the triangle is cinched in. He explains how to finish your opponent with two triangle variations as well as a shoulder lock.

JJU 38-07 Step Over Choke

JJU 38-07 Step Over Choke

Add to Favorites 1647 Remove From Favorites 4125 days ago

Saulo teaches how to set up the step over choke submission from side control.

JJU 38-02 Walk Around Armbar

JJU 38-02 Walk Around Armbar

Add to Favorites 1352 Remove From Favorites 4127 days ago

Saulo how to set up the walk around far-side armbar from side control.