AJ Sousa Series 8 - Flying Triangle / Armbar

AJ Sousa Series 8 - Flying Triangle / Armbar

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AJ shows the flying triangle/armbar setup he used to finish Brian Mingia and Dennis Hallman in the BJJ LIbrary Challenge. AJ typically jumps and goes for the triangle lock, but finishes with the armbar. The triangle choke, however, is also an option.

Inside The University 206 - Ippon Seoi Nage Drill

Inside The University 206 - Ippon Seoi Nage Drill

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Xande shows a drill to practice the Ippon Seoi Nage takedown, and goes into detail on the footwork. This is a good drill to practice every day during warm ups.

Inside The University 200 - Kochi Gari and De Ashi Harai Takedown Drills

Inside The University 200 - Kochi Gari and De Ashi Harai Takedown Drills

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Saulo discusses the strategy for Xande in his superfight against Pe de Pano at the 2015 American Nationals. They know how Pe de Pano likes to pull guard, so Saulo shows how they plan to counter his guard pull by immediately attacking with the Kochi Gari or De Ashi Harai leg sweeps.

Yuri Simoes Series 7 - Sideways Suplex Takedown

Yuri Simoes Series 7 - Sideways Suplex Takedown

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Yuri shows a takedown where he shoots for his opponent's leg and spins around to his side, hugging him at the waist. He picks his opponent up and slams him down to the side, where he can establish the top position.

Yuri Simoes Series 6 - Step Behind Double Leg Sweep Takedown

Yuri Simoes Series 6 - Step Behind Double Leg Sweep Takedown

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Yuri shows a variation of a Judo takedown he uses, where he steps to the side of his opponent trapping his hip, and falls while sweeping both legs with his own leg.

Vini Aieta Basics Series 11 - Standing Guillotine Counter to Takedown in a Self Defense Situation

Vini Aieta Basics Series 11 - Standing Guillotine Counter to Takedown in a Self Defense Situation

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Vini teaches how to counter the standing guillotine with a takedown in a self defense situation. By establishing the correct grips, it makes it very difficult for your opponent to finish you.

Inside the University 178 - Kimura Sweep Counter against Single Leg Takedown

Inside the University 178 - Kimura Sweep Counter against Single Leg Takedown

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Xande teaches a kimura sweep entry into the kimura trap against a single leg takedown. The kimura grip is a very powerful grip and can be used to control your opponent for takedowns and to finish submissions. In this lesson we learn how to use the kimura control to counter a sloppy single leg and use it to roll our opponent's over.

BJJ Library Challenge One Contestants Series 5 - Single Leg Counter

BJJ Library Challenge One Contestants Series 5 - Single Leg Counter

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Continuing his counter lesson contestant Dennis Hallman demonstrates how to defend and counter a single leg takedown with a transition into your own takedown. Being able to counter effectively will give you a great advantage over any opponent.

Inside the University 162 - Single Leg Takedowns 2

Inside the University 162 - Single Leg Takedowns 2

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In this video Xande continues on from the previous lesson with a couple different variations and options you have to execute and finish after running the pipe.

Inside the University 161 - Single Leg Takedown

Inside the University 161 - Single Leg Takedown

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In this lesson Xande demonstrates the proper technique to successfully execute Single Leg Takedowns using leverage to your advantage.

Inside the University 158 - Takedown Drills

Inside the University 158 - Takedown Drills

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In this video Xande works takedown drills with the class. Demonstrating how to use a strong foundation to achieve an well executed takedown.

Mackenzie Dern Koala Guard and Favorites 9 - Fake Guard Pull to Ankle Pick Takedown

Mackenzie Dern Koala Guard and Favorites 9 - Fake Guard Pull to Ankle Pick Takedown

Add to Favorites 1315 Remove From Favorites 3623 days ago

Mackenzie teaches one of her favorite takedowns that combines a fake guard pull into an ankle pick takedown. This takedown deceives your opponent if they are expecting you to pull guard and is a quick takedown when mastered.