Xande's Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals 46 - Pressuring the Shield to Force a Reaction

Xande's Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals 46 - Pressuring the Shield to Force a Reaction

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Xande goes over a key detail of how he always looks to apply pressure against his opponent's shield, which will force a reaction and give Xande the opportunity to pass. He also goes over his Bruce Leroy pass, applying the same concept and switching his base to establish control.

Xande's Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals 45 - Mounting from Leg Weave Pass

Xande's Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals 45 - Mounting from Leg Weave Pass

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After Xande gets around the legs, he shows two of his favorite options to take mount. To set them up he will step his back leg in between his opponent's legs and drop his weight. From here he shows an option to quickly get to mount, and another to settle in with more pressure and take his time.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 13 - Breaking Your Opponent's Frame with Your Legs

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 13 - Breaking Your Opponent's Frame with Your Legs

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Now Xande goes over exactly how he breaks his opponent's frame on his hip from side control. First he walks the arm up high near the head, and by switching his hips he can use just his legs to control and trap the arm, allowing him to then control the legs and advance to mount.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 12 - Finding the Leverage to Open the Elbow in Side Control

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 12 - Finding the Leverage to Open the Elbow in Side Control

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If Xande's opponent is able to sneak his elbow inside and make a frame against Xande's side control, it is important to find the correct leverage to open the elbow back up. The motion his opponent's arm will be weakest is that of an Americana, so Xande forces the arm in that direction, which will automatically create space between the elbow and body, allowing Xande to regain side control.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 11 - Preventing Your Opponent's Diamond Defense

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 11 - Preventing Your Opponent's Diamond Defense

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One of the main things Xande is aware of while in side control is his opponent's effort to create a diamond defense, by bringing his elbow and knee together. Xande goes over how his opponent will look to do this, and how Xande can transition between his landmark positions to continuously prevent the elbow and knee from connecting.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 9 - Dealing with a Frame on Your Hip

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 9 - Dealing with a Frame on Your Hip

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Xande goes over a common situation where his opponent has his forearm framing against Xande's hip. He shows a couple simple ways to deal with this by switching back and forth between his landmark positions.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 8 - How to Avoid Getting Caught in Half Guard while Mounting

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 8 - How to Avoid Getting Caught in Half Guard while Mounting

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Xande goes over some details on how to mount from side control and not get your leg stuck in the half guard. He uses his elbow in the super hold to open his opponent's arm up high, and his knee slides across the body in a downward direction. When he brings his foot over, he smacks it on the ground hard and fast and he settles into his mount position.

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 7 - Mounting from Side Control with Superhold

Xande's Side Control and Mount Transitional Movements 7 - Mounting from Side Control with Superhold

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Xande has side control and uses his hips to work his way to a high neutral side control, trapping his opponent's arm up near his head. He gets a superhold for more control, and then he can begin to slide his knee across the belly and slam his leg down to take the mount.

Xande's Side Control Movement Patterns 15 - Proper Footwork for Technical Standup

Xande's Side Control Movement Patterns 15 - Proper Footwork for Technical Standup

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Xande goes over in detail the proper way to move your feet and legs when doing a technical standup, which is the movement he shows to take the mount on your opponent. His toes are pointed like a ballerina foot, and he slides his leg across the mat, as opposed to lifting it, which would create too much space.

Inside the University 1018 - Closing the Space when Mounting

Inside the University 1018 - Closing the Space when Mounting

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Nick goes over a common mistake made when mounting your opponent, which is to throw your leg over and leave way too much space for him to replace guard. If he does throw his leg over, he switches his base first, but he much prefers to slide the knee across the belly and keep pressure the whole time while he takes the mount.

Rafael Lovato Jr. Timeless 2-on-1 Attacks 9 - Controlling and Attacking from Mount

Rafael Lovato Jr. Timeless 2-on-1 Attacks 9 - Controlling and Attacking from Mount

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Answering another question, Rafael covers the basic things he looks for while in the mount, including his body positioning, using the violent hug and playing with different lapel chokes.

Dallas Niles Crucifix Series 7 - Transitioning to Mount when Opponent is Escaping

Dallas Niles Crucifix Series 7 - Transitioning to Mount when Opponent is Escaping

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Now in an effort to escape the crucifix, Dallas' opponent drops his head to the floor and looks to roll back or spin around to side control. Right away Dallas looks to step his leg that is controlling the arm over to mount his opponent. Another option from here since the arm is inside is to look for the triangle.