Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 1633 3465 days ago
Saulo shows how to stand up and open the closed guard, pass with the knee slice, and immediately attack the Kimura. Rather than focusing on all the details, he is showing this position to practice as a speed drill.
Add to Favorites 1436 Remove From Favorites 3504 days ago
Vini teaches a way to transition from a closed guard break to the over under pass. In this lesson we use to utilize the single arm post posture to prevent our opponent from closing their guard again and work a lapel grip to stack our opponent for the pass.Add to Favorites 1383 Remove From Favorites 3505 days ago
Vini teaches a way to behave in your opponent's closed guard and uses a single arm to post on your opponent's stomach to create a structure that neutralizes attacks. We use our hips and pressure forward to neutralize the attacks and set ourselves up with a way to open the closed guard.Add to Favorites 853 Remove From Favorites 3516 days ago
Saulo stresses the importance of being patient when escaping from the triangle and how to position your body before backing out and away from your opponent.Add to Favorites 1171 Remove From Favorites 3517 days ago
In this video Saulo teaches the class how you first defend against the Triangle Choke to allow you to pass your opponents guard. Stressing the importance of having a good defense to set you up for the pass.Add to Favorites 1040 Remove From Favorites 3554 days ago
BJJ Library Challenge One Contestant Dennis Hallman shows us how to execute a Kimura lock to counter your opponents arm triangle defense.Add to Favorites 2050 Remove From Favorites 3563 days ago
In this video Baret shows us a technique to transition from the Closed Guard position and take your opponents back where you can finish with any number of chokes.Add to Favorites 2035 Remove From Favorites 3639 days ago
Saulo covers further details on finishing the guard pass combination after breaking open the closed guard. He covers the importance of closing space and honing in on your timing of reaction as soon as the closed guard is broken to improve your chances of success.Add to Favorites 2263 Remove From Favorites 3640 days ago
Saulo goes over a thorough breakdown of the classic closed guard break, including how you should approach the posture to establish the grips and how to use the proper angles to break the closed guard. In this lesson we follow up the closed guard break with an immediate guard pass combination.Add to Favorites 1239 Remove From Favorites 3675 days ago
Xande teaches the details on how to position yourself when you're in your opponent's closed guard. We also learn how to use our posture to defend against the chair sweep and transition into the single under pass.Add to Favorites 1700 Remove From Favorites 3736 days ago
This core lesson teaches how to open the legs without intervention from your opponent's arms. Drilling and understanding the fundamental principals of this lesson s a great way to master your skills to prepare passing the closed guard of a live resisting opponent.Add to Favorites 2021 Remove From Favorites 3772 days ago
Wilson teaches one of his signature guard passes from the closed guard. This pass combines a series of details to make for a strong closed guard pass. Although at first you may feel vulnerable to back takes and sweeps, the pass is highly effective when done correctly.