Inside the University 1050 - Leg Drag Drill

Inside the University 1050 - Leg Drag Drill

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Professor Victor Hugo shows a leg drag passing drill he uses when his opponent is playing De La Riva guard and grabbing his pants. Victor first turns his knee outside to break the hook, and then grabs the other leg at the knee and heel to pull it across his body. He finishes by grabbing the collar and keeping the leg pinched to his body.

Inside the University 1006 - Breaking a De La Riva Pants Grip

Inside the University 1006 - Breaking a De La Riva Pants Grip

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Now Nick quickly covers a trick of his to break a pants grip when your opponent is playing De La Riva guard. He simply reaches down and grabs his own pants and makes a fist. This will make the pants squeeze his opponent's fingers and he'll let go. You may want to save this one for competition, as the pain is bound to upset some of your training partners.

Inside the University 773 - Torreando Leg Drag Pass

Inside the University 773 - Torreando Leg Drag Pass

Add to Favorites 544 Remove From Favorites 1918 days ago

Nick once again grabs the shins and breaks his opponent's hooks, but this time his opponent is playing De La Riva with a pants grip, so Nick can't kick his foot away. He grabs the hook foot by the toes and drags across the front of his body, causing his opponent to bring his other foot over to Nick's hip. He anticipates this and drags both legs across him as he establishes himself in a leg drag passing position.

Inside the University 772 - Kicking Out of De La Riva

Inside the University 772 - Kicking Out of De La Riva

Add to Favorites 463 Remove From Favorites 1921 days ago

Now Professor Nick's opponent is grabbing his heel from a De La Riva guard, and Nick wants to get back to his Torreando headquarters position. With both of pant grips on the shin, he pushes both legs down to get rid of the hook, turns and kicks away to free his leg. Now he can reestablish his passing position.

Eduardo Jamelão Conceição Series 8 - De La Riva Guard Pass

Eduardo Jamelão Conceição Series 8 - De La Riva Guard Pass

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From his opponent's De La Riva guard, Eduardo makes a collar and pants grip, and steps over the leg. Here he changes his grips so the hand on the pants grabs the collar and his other arm swims under the hook leg. He grabs his opponent's hand to break his grip, and dives his arm underneath the head before taking a big back step, keeping control of the wrist until he settles into side control.

Eduardo Inojosa Series 7 - Toreando Pass from De La Riva Guard

Eduardo Inojosa Series 7 - Toreando Pass from De La Riva Guard

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Starting in his opponent's De La Riva guard, Eduardo grips both pant legs on the outside of the knees, turns his knee out to break the hook, and pushes the legs away as he pulls his own body back to create space. It is also helpful to push enough that his opponent's hips are off the mat. Now he can choose a side to pass to and establish side control.

Nathiely de Jesus Series 8 - Reverse De La Riva Pass

Nathiely de Jesus Series 8 - Reverse De La Riva Pass

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Nathiely opponent is playing reverse De La Riva guard with one foot in the biceps stretching her arm away, so Nathiely first move is to make grip on the pants and step to the side. Here she straightens her arm to release the foot on the biceps, and pushes it away. Now she drops her weight down, and her free arm hugs deep behind the head, putting her shoulder heavy on her opponent. While pushing the pants grip away from her, she back steps to free herself from the guard, and establishes side control.

JT Torres 2nd Series 7 - Overhead Pass from Reverse De La Riva Guard

JT Torres 2nd Series 7 - Overhead Pass from Reverse De La Riva Guard

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From inside his opponent's reverse De La Riva guard, JT grabs the farside lapel and the outside of the hook knee. He stands up a little to clear space and cuts his shin across his opponent's shin to reach the side. His opponent reacts by turning into him, so JT spins overhead to establish side control on the opposite side.

JT Torres 2nd Series 6 - Long Step Pass from Reverse De La Riva Guard

JT Torres 2nd Series 6 - Long Step Pass from Reverse De La Riva Guard

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JT is in his opponent's reverse De La Riva guard, so he grabs the leg as if he wants a foot lock, and grips the bottom of the pants. His free hand grabs the nearside lapel and he uses the grip to pull his opponent toward him. He falls to his hip and back steps his leg out of the guard, before making a tripod with his head and positioning his hips to pass the guard.

Daisuke Nakamura Series 5 - De La Riva Guard Long Step Pass

Daisuke Nakamura Series 5 - De La Riva Guard Long Step Pass

Add to Favorites 1215 Remove From Favorites 3103 days ago

From inside the De La Riva guard, Daisuke first breaks his opponent's grip on his lapel. Next he pushes his opponent's shin to get rid of the De La Riva hook, and makes a grip on the lapel. Facing his knee outward, he puts his shin across his opponent's shin and long steps with his other hand gripping the pants. From here he steps over to the other side, passing the guard and establishing side control.

Fredson Paixao Series 12 - Shutting Down the Berimbolo Part 2

Fredson Paixao Series 12 - Shutting Down the Berimbolo Part 2

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Fredson continues discussing how to shut down the berimbolo and De La Riva guard, and emphasizes the importance of how uses his pressure and controls his opponent's legs.

Fredson Paixao Series 11 - Shutting Down the Berimbolo Part 1

Fredson Paixao Series 11 - Shutting Down the Berimbolo Part 1

Add to Favorites 911 Remove From Favorites 3204 days ago

Fredson shows how to shut down the berimbolo when your opponent is trying to set it up from the De La Riva guard. His first key is to turn the leg that has the De La Riva hook on it to the outside, and drop his weight. He also emphasizes the importance of being loose in his body, rather than forcefully resisting his opponent's strength.