Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 565 1464 days ago
Now Saulo covers how to prevent your opponent from passing by first anticipating the pass and reacting. He falls to his side with his elbows in and his shield up. Next he bridges and then uses can move in a few different ways to either sit up for the underhook, spin to recover guard or turn belly down.
Add to Favorites 587 Remove From Favorites 1488 days ago
Saulo goes over a detail of keeping your bottom leg stretched and extending your body to maintain distance between you and your opponent. This is especially applicable in a self defense scenario if your attacker is trying to punch you.Add to Favorites 552 Remove From Favorites 1489 days ago
To start off this lesson, Saulo begins in closed guard and looks to set up his classic guard position. With a sleeve and cross collar grip, he opens his guard, and without putting his feet on the ground he turns his hips toward his sleeve grip. Both feet go on the hips and his top leg opens to maintain inside control of the arm. Now he is in a good classic guard position.Add to Favorites 583 Remove From Favorites 1493 days ago
After getting swept by Roger, Xande finds himself in a knee shield guard with Roger looking to apply pressure up top and pass the guard. Xande explains how he was able to successfully use his diamond concept to not only prevent the pass, but get to his knees and get the bigger man's weight off of him.Add to Favorites 469 Remove From Favorites 1504 days ago
As Gustavo is playing the 2-on-1 sleeve grip, his opponent is moving to the side in effort to pass his guard. When his opponent gets far enough that Gustavo is concerned his guard will be passed, he puts his free foot on the hip and drops his other foot down, and continues to play guard.Add to Favorites 524 Remove From Favorites 1505 days ago
To start this lesson about 2-on-1 sleeve grip, Gustavo first shows how to do some basic guard retention while playing guard with this grip. He keeps his foot in the hip on the same side of the arm he controls. His other foot is free to push the biceps, use as a De La Riva hook or many other options. As his opponent tries to move to the side, Gustavo makes sure to follow with him.Add to Favorites 519 Remove From Favorites 1555 days ago
Now Xande shows how he enters the matrix, which is a variation of the side closed guard. After dragging the arm across, he shifts his hips up so his legs are higher up on his opponent's body and the arm is on his hip in the pocket. Now he is ready for more attacks.Add to Favorites 615 Remove From Favorites 1556 days ago
Now while in his classic collar and sleeve guard, Xande's opponent grabs Xande's wrist in attempt to break his collar grip. Xande keeps a strong collar grip and cups the elbow with his other hand. Using his opponent's force against him, Xande switches his hips and gets to his side closed guard.Add to Favorites 516 Remove From Favorites 1559 days ago
Xande goes over the hip switch again, but this time he is using a 2-on-1 sleeve grip rather than the classic guard collar and sleeve grips.Add to Favorites 624 Remove From Favorites 1560 days ago
Xande goes over in detail how to do a proper hip switch, changing direction from one side to the other. Too often he sees people only switch half way and end up on their back. First he shows the movement in a solo drill and then applies it to setting up your side closed guard.Add to Favorites 512 Remove From Favorites 1604 days ago
A student asks Rafael about some lasso guard concepts, specifically how to play it verses a larger opponent. Rafael covers some of his favorite ways to use the lasso and also how he can connect it to his 2-on-1 grip game.Add to Favorites 106 Remove From Favorites 1615 days ago
Rafael spends a little time showing how he can transition to other guards using his 2-on-1 sleeve grip.