Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 1239 4229 days ago
Terere explains how to control your opponent with the sealtbelt grip from their back and how to transition into a bow and arrow choke or lapel choke when they attempt to roll to recover their position.
Add to Favorites 1535 Remove From Favorites 4229 days ago
Terere explains how to execute the Safada takedown from standing. This is one of his favorite takedowns and is the takedown that he executed against Pe de Pano as well as Roger Gracie in the finals match of the 2004 Absolute Mundials.Add to Favorites 698 Remove From Favorites 4230 days ago
Saulo explains how to take your opponent's back when they are in the turtle position using the classic back take with the horse collar grip.Add to Favorites 836 Remove From Favorites 4230 days ago
Saulo explains how to set up the clock choke from turtle position and how to transition into a collar choke if you are unable to submit your opponent with the clock choke.Add to Favorites 780 Remove From Favorites 4232 days ago
Xande trains at the Tenri Judo Dojo in preparation for the 2013 IBJJF World's.Add to Favorites 448 Remove From Favorites 4232 days ago
Xande trains at the Tenri Judo Dojo in preparation for the 2013 IBJJF World's.Add to Favorites 378 Remove From Favorites 4232 days ago
Xande trains at the Tenri Judo Dojo in preparation for the 2013 IBJJF World's.Add to Favorites 369 Remove From Favorites 4232 days ago
Xande trains at the Tenri Judo Dojo in preparation for the 2013 IBJJF World's.Add to Favorites 418 Remove From Favorites 4232 days ago
Xande trains at the Tenri Judo Dojo in preparation for the 2013 IBJJF World's.Add to Favorites 599 Remove From Favorites 4233 days ago
Renato Vieira teaches how to recover your guard when you are late in defending against the single under the leg pass. It may not always be possible to initiate this defense if your opponent is applying heavy pressure during the single under leg pass. Additionally, it is important to keep your arm straight when you stiff arm your opponent's elbow as your opponent will be able to muscle their way through your arm if it is bent.Add to Favorites 1517 Remove From Favorites 4234 days ago
Renato Vieira teaches the classic defense to the single under the leg pass by shrimping your hips and positioning your legs to stop your opponent's advance. This is lesson 17-1 on page 124 from the JJU book.Add to Favorites 1024 Remove From Favorites 4235 days ago
Xande explains how to defend against and escape when your opponent gets the esgrima underhook or tries to pin you with an overhook from the half guard. The major concept of the escape is to set up your defensive frame with your arm and shrimp your hips to the side before your opponent can settle into a good offensive position.