Xande Webinar 3 - Killing the Knee Shield

Xande Webinar 3 - Killing the Knee Shield

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Answering a question on how to kill the knee shield, Xande first shows a simple drill where he posts his hand on the mat and brings his knee and connects it. The application for this is he grabs the lapel and posts on the ribs. Then he brings his knee in to set up a cross knee pass. Now he can drive his weight forward and slide his knee past the shield and connect to his hand.

Xande Webinar 3 - Killing the Knee Shield (Portuguese)

Xande Webinar 3 - Killing the Knee Shield (Portuguese)

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Answering a question on how to kill the knee shield, Xande first shows a simple drill where he posts his hand on the mat and brings his knee and connects it. The application for this is he grabs the lapel and posts on the ribs. Then he brings his knee in to set up a cross knee pass. Now he can drive his weight forward and slide his knee past the shield and connect to his hand.

Xande Webinar 2 - Escaping the Mount

Xande Webinar 2 - Escaping the Mount

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Answering a question on escaping the mount, Xande begins by showing a movement from Budokon Mobility, which is a forward sweep of his foot. After his initial hip escape to get on his side, he uses the foot sweep to position himself where he can lift his hips off the mat to get his guard back.

Xande Webinar 2 - Escaping the Mount (Portuguese)

Xande Webinar 2 - Escaping the Mount (Portuguese)

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Answering a question on escaping the mount, Xande begins by showing a movement from Budokon Mobility, which is a forward sweep of his foot. After his initial hip escape to get on his side, he uses the foot sweep to position himself where he can lift his hips off the mat to get his guard back.

Xande Webinar 1 - Introduction and Q&A

Xande Webinar 1 - Introduction and Q&A

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During this time of crisis throughout the world, our gyms are closed and we can't train as usual, so Xande is putting on webinar classes to help keep students learning and active. He also is taking questions and shooting techniques to answer them. Here he gives an introduction and answers a few questions to his live viewers.

Xande's Classic Guard 14 - Omoplata

Xande's Classic Guard 14 - Omoplata

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Now Xande shows the omoplata from the classic guard. The big key for him to switch his hips to the right position comes from using his pedal on his opponent's hip. He also uses his archer pose to open up his opponent's side, making it easy to throw his leg over for the omoplata.

Xande's Classic Guard 13 - Transitioning to Side Closed Guard

Xande's Classic Guard 13 - Transitioning to Side Closed Guard

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Now Xande shows some movement drills to set up his hip switch, which is very similar to the forward hip escape that many people drill. This is the main movement he uses to get from the classic guard to the side closed guard. The perfect opportunity for Xande to make the transition is when his opponent doesn't fall for the cross choke setup.

Xande's Classic Guard 12 - Guard Retention when Your Opponent Stands Up

Xande's Classic Guard 12 - Guard Retention when Your Opponent Stands Up

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When Xande's opponent stands up to pass his classic guard, the principles of guard retention remain the same. He makes sure to not be lazy with his sleeve grip and keep his archer pose. He can use his flare to break a pants grip and even go to foot in the biceps. If his opponent steps to the side, he snake bites and pedals to regain his guard. He also likes to stretch his collar grip arm and use his iron fist to keep his opponent at a distance.

Xande's Classic Guard 11 - Triangle Choke

Xande's Classic Guard 11 - Triangle Choke

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Xande shows two triangle setups from the classic guard to choose from that will each benefit different body types. A key point he makes is to block his opponent's free arm to stop him from throwing the leg down like an old school pass.

Xande's Classic Guard 10 - Drill to Activate Your Archer Pose

Xande's Classic Guard 10 - Drill to Activate Your Archer Pose

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Xande explains how he uses the scissors sweep to set up many attacks, but sometimes when his opponent steps over the leg, he looks away and doesn't give Xande the choke right away. This is when Xande looks to activate his archer pose. He uses the snake bite as he did before, and stretches his body away, or becomes elegant, so he is in a good position to set up other attacks.

Xande's Classic Guard 9 - Cross Collar Choke

Xande's Classic Guard 9 - Cross Collar Choke

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From his classic guard, maybe when he goes for the scissors sweep, Xande's opponent steps over his leg so Xande immediately snake bites the trapped leg. At the same time, he catches his opponent's chin with his wrist making the collar grip. From here he can make his other collar grip and finish the choke, which is a better option for him than trying to get back to a closed guard to finish.

Xande's Classic Guard 8 - Scissors Sweep

Xande's Classic Guard 8 - Scissors Sweep

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Xande shows his favorite sweep from the classic guard, his scissors sweep. If he starts in closed guard with his grips already, he places his feet on the ground and escapes his hips to get on his side with his shin across the belly and his other foot by the knee. By using the archer pose, he can pull his opponent's weight toward him and easily sweep his legs when he uses the scissors motion.