Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 577 1830 days ago
Alex drags the arm and shifts his hips to get to the side closed guard, but this time his opponent drives his weight into him, trying to prevent the back take. Alex reaches to grab the pants at the knee, pulls it to him and sweeps in the direction his opponent is pushing, ending up in the mount.
Add to Favorites 537 Remove From Favorites 1831 days ago
Now when Professor Alex does his arm drag from the closed guard, he looks to climb onto the back. After dragging the arm, he adjusts himself to a side closed guard. From here he posts on his elbow and climbs his way to the back, where he looks to sink in both hooks and secure back control.Add to Favorites 563 Remove From Favorites 1834 days ago
When playing closed guard, Alex's first objective is to break his opponent's grip on him, and drag the arm across his body. Then he will shift his hips to the side and reach over the back, where he has some options he will cover next. Sometimes, he is able to get a quick wrist lock if his opponent insists on keep his grip.Add to Favorites 583 Remove From Favorites 1835 days ago
To begin his lesson, Professor Alex discusses some basic concepts of playing the closed guard, emphasizing how he prefers to sit on his opponent's lap rather than the floor. Before showing techniques he has the students work on opening the guard, so everyone can get an idea of where he's going next.Add to Favorites 456 Remove From Favorites 1836 days ago
Now when Victor's opponent gets the half guard, his first reaction is to pummel and get the underhook. Next he steps his leg over the head, ending up in a quarter guard position. From here, he can easily drop his upper body weight and slide his knee out of the quarter guard, and establish side control.Add to Favorites 521 Remove From Favorites 1837 days ago
When Victor rolls to take the back, sometimes he is not able to keep his leg as a hook, and loses his fight to get back control. In this case, he abandons his effort in taking the back, and instead comes to the top in a leg drag position.Add to Favorites 563 Remove From Favorites 1838 days ago
After his opponent gets deep half guard on him, Victor establishes his base and now looks to take the back. He swims his arm underneath his own leg and grabs his opponent's knee with his other hand. Now he rolls over his shoulder, kicks his opponent's legs away and escapes his hips to get the back control.Add to Favorites 556 Remove From Favorites 1841 days ago
This lesson begins with Professor Victor Hugo showing how to get to deep half guard when your opponent has you mounted. After getting to his survival position on his side, Victor bridges and pushes the knee to trap the leg. Next he swims his arm under the leg and swivels his hips to get his body under the leg and into deep half guard.Add to Favorites 555 Remove From Favorites 1845 days ago
This time when Professor Rene's opponent stands up, Rene is late to get his hips high enough to do the kosoto gari. Instead, he drops down and closes his legs around his opponent's knees. Here he likes to get a cross sleeve grip, squeeze his legs and bring his knees to him, then extend and drag the sleeve to sweep his opponent.Add to Favorites 619 Remove From Favorites 1848 days ago
Now Rene's opponent stands up inside his closed guard, so Rene does a sit up to keep his body close and reaches one arm behind the back, while his other hand grabs the sleeve. He drops his legs so the same side leg as the arm on the back goes behind the leg. The other plants behind him and helps him drive forward to take his opponent down backward.Add to Favorites 540 Remove From Favorites 1850 days ago
Before moving on to the next technique, Professor Rene goes over how to stand up in your opponent's closed guard. He makes a sleeve and collar grip, and presses both grips down on his opponent's torso. He steps his foot on the same side of the sleeve grip first, and the other foot second. As he stands, he makes sure he has good tall posture, and establishes a strong base before pushing the knee to open the guard.Add to Favorites 500 Remove From Favorites 1851 days ago
First Rene shows some details to polish up the armbar from the chair sweep, and then goes into a quick review of the helicopter armbar, which he uses when the first two options are not available.