Inside the University 111 - Passing the Knee Shield Part 1 with Shotgun Pass or Leg Rope Pass

Inside the University 111 - Passing the Knee Shield Part 1 with Shotgun Pass or Leg Rope Pass

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Saulo teaches how to pass your opponent's knee shield (three quarters guard) by using the shotgun pass or leg rope pass. This is the first of three lessons that will cover how to pass the knee shield with a series of attacks to ensure that you don't get stuck in this guard!

Jeff Glover Donkey Guard and Triangles 9 - Triangle from Half Guard

Jeff Glover Donkey Guard and Triangles 9 - Triangle from Half Guard

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Jeff teaches a way to set up the triangle from the half guard. This triangle set up is similar to the triangle from side control which we will examine next.

JJU 35-09 Fredson Alves Esgrima to Knee Slice Pass

JJU 35-09 Fredson Alves Esgrima to Knee Slice Pass

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Sometimes it may be difficult to keep your opponent with the esgrima pass. When your opponent overcommits to shut down your esgrima pass, transition to the esgrima knee slice pass to use the element of surprise to pass their guard.

JJU 35-08 Esgrima Half Guard Pass to Mount Transition

JJU 35-08 Esgrima Half Guard Pass to Mount Transition

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Sometimes it can be very difficult to complete the esgrima pass. When your opponent over commits to protecting one side, switch the direction of your attack and transition into the mount instead.

JJU 35-07 Esgrima Half Guard Pass

JJU 35-07 Esgrima Half Guard Pass

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Xande covers one of the best ways to pass the half guard with the underhook (esgrima). The esgrima pass combines the power of the underhook with heavy pressure to create a high percentage half guard pass.

JJU 35-10 Whizzer Armbar Feint to Half Guard Knee Slice Pass

JJU 35-10 Whizzer Armbar Feint to Half Guard Knee Slice Pass

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Sometimes while passing the half guard your opponent may beat you to the undertook. While there are a number of ways to address this situation, in this lesson we throw a whizzer to stop our opponent from taking the back and apply pressure to feint and arm bar to open the opportunity to pass with a knee slice pass.

JJU 35-19 Lemon Leg Squeeze Half Guard Pass

JJU 35-19 Lemon Leg Squeeze Half Guard Pass

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Xande teahes how to squeeze your opponents legs to break the half guard and pass your opponents guard.

JJU 35-05 Xande's Cross Face Hip Switch Half Guard Pass

JJU 35-05 Xande's Cross Face Hip Switch Half Guard Pass

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In this lesson we learn Xande's flattening half guard pass with the cross face and reverse kesa gatame. We focus on the cross face grip in particular and how to keep our opponent flat to pass their half guard.

JJU 35-0 to 35-1 Flattening Opponent in Half Guard

JJU 35-0 to 35-1 Flattening Opponent in Half Guard

Add to Favorites 1781 Remove From Favorites 3697 days ago

Xande teaches how to flatten your opponent in the half guard to better position ourselves to pass the half guard. In this lesson we learn two ways to flatten our opponent and learn not to pressure forward, a common misconception that allows our opponent to easily take our back or manipulate our body positioning.

JJU 35-04 Blocked Arm Half Guard Pass

JJU 35-04 Blocked Arm Half Guard Pass

Add to Favorites 1614 Remove From Favorites 3698 days ago

This is a basic but highly effective way to pass the half guard used at all levels of jiu jitsu. In this lesson Xande teaches how to flatten your opponent and switch your hips into a reverse kesa gatame to free your leg and pass the half guard.

Inside the University 92 - No Gi Turtle to Forced Half by Knee Pick to the Mount or Arm Triangle

Inside the University 92 - No Gi Turtle to Forced Half by Knee Pick to the Mount or Arm Triangle

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Xande teaches how to force the half guard on your opponent when they are in the turtle position and looking to roll away from you to retain their guard. We use a knee pick to force the half guard as our opponent attempts to retain their guard and immediately trap their head and arm to set up for the mount or arm triangle submission.

Rico Vieira Competition Techniques 9 - Leg Squeeze Half Guard Pass

Rico Vieira Competition Techniques 9 - Leg Squeeze Half Guard Pass

Add to Favorites 1607 Remove From Favorites 3811 days ago

Rico teaches how to shut down your opponent's half guard by using your hands to post on their armpit and shoulder to create distance and keep them from transitioning into the deep half. He then teaches how to break the half guard using the leg squeeze pass which is like a giant hug around both legs combined with a sprawl to force your opponent's legs open for the guard pass.