Takamasa Watanabe Series 9 - Omoplata to Armbar

Takamasa Watanabe Series 9 - Omoplata to Armbar

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Takamasa sets up the omoplata in the same way as he showed in the previous technique, and is sitting up while gripping the cross sleeve, same as before. From here, he reaches his free arm between his legs and feeds it the sleeve from the other hand. Now he posts his outside leg on the mat, and kicks his other leg across his opponent's back in an explosive motion, causing his opponent to turn on his back. This sets Takamasa up in the perfect position to attack the armbar from the mount.

Takamasa Watanabe Series 8 - Omoplata from Spider Guard

Takamasa Watanabe Series 8 - Omoplata from Spider Guard

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From the spider guard with both sleeves controlled, Takamasa lassos his opponent's arm, and then pulls the other arm to his body as he pinches the elbow with his knee and swings his leg over the head. Next, he reaches around his leg and under his opponent's arm to feed the lassoed sleeve to his other hand. He releases his lasso leg and plants it to escape his hips, settling in the omoplata position. Now he sits up and lets go of the sleeve so he can reach over the back, and finish the omoplata.

Inside the University 481 - Omoplata from Lasso Guard with Cross Collar Grip

Inside the University 481 - Omoplata from Lasso Guard with Cross Collar Grip

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Before teaching the second set up for the omoplata, Gustavo notes that you must raise your hips off the mat when looking to throw your leg over the shoulder. Also, once you have the omoplata locked, think about putting the shoulder to the mat so you can finish the submission. For the second set up, after establishing his lasso, he stretches his foot in the biceps leg and turns his hips toward his lasso side. His sleeve grip moves to a collar grip and he lets go of the lasso sleeve to grab the elbow. Now he kicks leg out and pulls the arm, allowing him to throw his leg over the shoulder to lock his omoplata.

Inside the University 480 - Finishing the Omoplata

Inside the University 480 - Finishing the Omoplata

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After setting up the omoplata, Gustavo's main concern is not necessarily to lock a figure 4, but to keep his thighs squeezed together and keep pressure forward so his opponent cannot posture up. He also wants to make sure that his opponent's hand is in his "pocket" next to his hip. His outside hand can keep his opponent's hand in place while his inside hand grabs the belt. After establishing a solid position, he puts both hands on the floor and scoots back to a seated position. Now he reaches over the back, brings his legs to S position, and brings his hips forward to finish the omoplata.

Inside the University 479 - Omoplata from Lasso Guard

Inside the University 479 - Omoplata from Lasso Guard

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From his spider guard, Gustavo turns to one side and sinks his lasso hook in, making sure to pull the grip in tight with his palm facing up. After establishing his position and stopping his opponent's attack, he takes his lasso hook off and brings it shin to shin. Now he uses his shin to kick his opponent's leg back, breaking his posture so he can easily throw the leg over to set up his omoplata.

Claudia do Val Series 3 - Spider Guard Sweep

Claudia do Val Series 3 - Spider Guard Sweep

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Claudia sets up her spider guard, placing her foot in the biceps and stretching her leg. For whatever reason, she is unable to get the triangle or omoplata, so she opens her free leg wide and swings it low at her opponent's knee. As she swings, her spider leg bends and her hips switch to face the outside. As her swinging leg chops at the knee, Claudia stretches her spider leg again, knocking her opponent over and coming to the top to finish the sweep.

Claudia do Val Series 2 - Triangle and Omoplata from Spider Guard

Claudia do Val Series 2 - Triangle and Omoplata from Spider Guard

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Claudia sets up her spider guard, first placing her foot in the biceps and stretching her leg, and bringing her other foot to the hip. Her opponent's posture is already broken some, so she can easily raise her hips and throw her spider grip leg over the back of the neck and lock the triangle. For the omoplata, she brings her free leg thigh to the triceps, then throws the leg over the shoulder and across the face to lock the omoplata.

Nathiely de Jesus Series 7 - Omoplata from Spider Guard

Nathiely de Jesus Series 7 - Omoplata from Spider Guard

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Nathiely starts in guard with a sleeve and cross collar grip, with one foot on the hip and the other in the biceps, stretching her opponent's arm away. She pulls the collar to bring her opponent down, throws her leg over the shoulder and locks her triangle on the arm. Next she sits up to reach over the back and scoots her hips away, causing her opponent to lay face down on the mat. From here, Nathiely can sit up to finish the omoplata.

Nathiely de Jesus Series 6 - Triangle Choke from Spider Guard

Nathiely de Jesus Series 6 - Triangle Choke from Spider Guard

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Starting from spider guard with both feet in the biceps, Nathiely puts one foot on the hip and stretches her other leg, pulling her opponent forward. Now she can easily slide her leg over the back of the neck and lock the triangle with her other leg. To finish she simply pulls the arm across the body and pulls the head down with her legs.

Monique Elias Spider Guard 12 - Omoplata Sweep to Double Armbar

Monique Elias Spider Guard 12 - Omoplata Sweep to Double Armbar

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Monique continues her attacks from the omoplata sweep, but this time her opponent defends her attempts at the armbar and the triangle, and brings her far arm inside the legs. With her arm closest to her opponent's head, Monique grabs the far arm and hugs to her chest, trapping both arms together. She posts her other hand on the mat and locks a triangle with her legs around both arms. From here she can finish by staying on top and extending either arm, or she can choose an arm and spin to that side to finish the submission.

Monique Elias Spider Guard 11 - Omoplata Sweep to Triangle Choke

Monique Elias Spider Guard 11 - Omoplata Sweep to Triangle Choke

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Monique does her omoplata sweep again, as shown before, and establishes the top position with the arm trapped between her legs. Again, she grabs the triceps and turns toward the head, swinging her leg over as well. She places it underneath the head and locks her triangle by grabbing her shin. Next she rolls over her shoulder and locks the triangle with her legs to finish the submission from her back.

Monique Elias Spider Guard 10 - Omoplata Sweep to Armbar

Monique Elias Spider Guard 10 - Omoplata Sweep to Armbar

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Monique sets up her omoplata and sweeps as she did before, but now when she lands on top, she keeps the arm trapped in her leg and grabs hold of the triceps. She posts her other hand on the mat and uses it to help her spin around toward the head. She places her top foot under the head and her other foot over the shoulder. From here she can lay back with the arm and raise her hips to finish the armbar.

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