Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 830 4157 days ago
Xande covers details on finishing the getup ankle pick sweep and also talks about how to manage distance and recover your guard if you aren't able to finish the sweep.
Add to Favorites 1830 Remove From Favorites 4158 days ago
Xande explains how to maintain control and distance from the combat seat butterfly position with the cross collar grip. He focuses on concepts that can help manage the distance when your opponent tries to use pressure to immobilize your hips or legs to pass your guard. In this lesson we cover how to defend against the smash pass, the leg squeeze pass, and how to free our legs and create space when your opponent forces you into the three quarters guard.Add to Favorites 1516 Remove From Favorites 4159 days ago
Xande teaches the faceplant collar drag, getup ankle pick sweep, and tripod sweep as a set combination against your opponent when they stand up. The collar drag and ankle pick can be used against your opponent even if they are on their knees. We can also use this combination with collar chokes to push the action and force a reaction from your opponent.Add to Favorites 1465 Remove From Favorites 4166 days ago
Xande explains his competition mindset and talks at length about how it's important to be able to threaten your opponent at all times with both submissions and sweeps. He talks about how positioning yourself safely and taking your opponent's balance is the jab that will open up opportunities for successful sweeps and submissions. Xande also demonstrates some butterfly and open guard concepts such as how to engage your opponent in the butterfly when your opponent is trying to stay distant as well as how to maintain your butterfly guard when your opponent attempts the knee cross pass and the side smash pass.Add to Favorites 1081 Remove From Favorites 4166 days ago
Xande demonstrates his open guard retention and control as well as how he mixes up his sweeps and submission attempts to flow together from one to the next.Add to Favorites 2068 Remove From Favorites 4171 days ago
Xande talks about how his guard has only been passed by two people in two decades of jiu jitsu competition and how being able to frame and always stay safe will allow you to build up to an impassable guard. In this lesson we learn how to set the frame and use it to create the space and mobility needed to recover your guard. We learn that after setting the frame and/or shield on our opponent, we can greatly increase our mobility by using our other arm to frame against the ground with our elbow or hand for maximum mobility.Add to Favorites 1007 Remove From Favorites 4172 days ago
This lesson was not in the JJU book but shares the same concept of collar dragging your opponent except from a different situation. In this situation, your opponent is on their knees and leaning their weight back in an attempt to prevent the collar drag. Some minor adjustments allow us to create the opportunity to collar drag our opponent even though they are on their knees and assuming a stalling position. The collar drag from butterfly goes very well in combination with the ankle pick from butterfly. This combination echoes the action-reaction concept that can be seen in many transitions in jiu jitsu.Add to Favorites 1121 Remove From Favorites 4173 days ago
The ankle pick from the guard is a quick way to score two points and is very useful in combination with the collar drag from butterfly guard. As you attempt a collar drag, your opponent may draw his weight back, setting you up for the perfect opportunity to sweep and come on top with the ankle pick instead. This combination clearly echoes the action-reaction concept that can be found in many other transitions in jiu jitsu.Add to Favorites 810 Remove From Favorites 4182 days ago
Saulo explains details on setting the over under choke including how to angle your opponent for the most efficient submission. We learn to face our opponent when going for the submission and watch a practice drill on setting up the submission.Add to Favorites 1275 Remove From Favorites 4184 days ago
Saulo explains how he uses the cross collar grip from butterfly to control distance and also uses the grip to set up a over under lapel choke when your opponent tries to pass your guard. Small details play a big role in being able to finish this submission in high percentage. Be sure to use your leg as an active hook to control the distance and create the necessary space to sit up and cinch in a tighter choke.Add to Favorites 891 Remove From Favorites 4213 days ago
Xande explains how to set up and perform the classic butterfly hook sweep when your opponent approaches you on both knees.Add to Favorites 1215 Remove From Favorites 4214 days ago
Xande explains the mechanics of the butterfly guard including how to position and distance yourself from your opponent to set up sweeps. He also covers the grips you want to prevent your opponent from establishing in the butterfly guard.