Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 432 1770 days ago
Now when Gustavo's opponent has his leg and is in the sit up guard, Gustavo looks to use the wheel pass, but first he must pull his leg out from between his opponent's legs. Now that he is in a kind of butterfly guard, he can reach over the back and grab the pants to turn his opponent and back step for the wheel pass.
Add to Favorites 475 Remove From Favorites 1771 days ago
Moving on to another position where your opponent is controlling your leg, Gustavo shows some ways to defend the sit up guard. In this case, his opponent wraps up his leg and pulls him down, looking to sweep. First Gustavo must get a good base, which he does by making a strong collar grip and driving his knee into the chest. He has many options from here, but what he wants to work on now is pulling his opponent back to a seated position and then working to pass.Add to Favorites 591 Remove From Favorites 1777 days ago
Now showing another way to pass the single leg x-guard, Victor has the same side sleeve grip and peels the foot off his hip. Next he switches the sleeve grip to his other hand shoves his opponent's knee back as he drops his hips to the mat, landing in an s-mount position. From here he has many attacking options he can go to.Add to Favorites 511 Remove From Favorites 1778 days ago
Now Victor shows how to deal with your opponent who is gripping your pants from the single leg x-guard. He first grips his opponent's pants at the foot on his hip, then reaches down to grab the sleeve that is grabbing his pants. He yanks up to break the grip and free the hook off his hip. Now he can go to his back step pass.Add to Favorites 528 Remove From Favorites 1779 days ago
In this lesson Victor Hugo covers some ways to pass the single leg X-guard. First he shows how to maintain your balance and keep a strong base while your opponent is working the position. Next he peels the foot off his hip and turns his knee in to put pressure on the ribs. Now he back steps out of the guard and looks to establish side control.Add to Favorites 567 Remove From Favorites 1783 days ago
Now when Xande goes for the over-under pass, his opponent blocks his shoulder and pushes Xande's under arm with his leg. Instead of fighting for the over-under, Xande brings his arm out and drops it to his opponent's side and puts very heavy pressure on his ribs. From here many things can happen, but Xande's number one move is to go for the mount.Add to Favorites 627 Remove From Favorites 1784 days ago
Moving on to the next guard pass, Xande teaches the over-under pass. For this, he needs to step over one leg and his arm on that side will go over the leg, while his other arm goes under the other leg. From here he stays on his toes with his hips tilted inward, and drives his weight into his opponent through his shoulders. After stepping out with his other leg, he stays tight and works to establish side control. This pass can be combined with the attempt for the double under pass also.Add to Favorites 585 Remove From Favorites 1785 days ago
Continuing on the double under pass, Xande really emphasizes the importance of driving forward into your opponent to apply a lot of pressure and make him very uncomfortable while passing. Because of the pressure, your opponent should eventually move his legs out of discomfort rather than making you throw them to the side to pass.Add to Favorites 625 Remove From Favorites 1786 days ago
In this lesson, Xande teaches his favorite guard passing series, beginning with the double under pass. With his opponent's guard open, Xande swims both arms under the legs, ultimately looking to make a cross collar grip. Typically what will happen is he'll go for one side, his opponent will defend and then he can get it on the other side, where he can work to finish his pass.Add to Favorites 536 Remove From Favorites 1806 days ago
Next is a pass that Xande used after surgery when he could only use one arm. From a headquarters position, he matches the collar grip of his opponent and slides his knee up to touch his forearm. From here his opponent cannot place his shield, so when he tries to bump, Xande cuts the knee through to pass the guard.Add to Favorites 525 Remove From Favorites 1807 days ago
Xande's opponent grabs his collar, and Xande is staying on his feet, keeping a low base. He makes his own collar and sleeve grips, and pulls the collar down, causing his opponent to react by pulling back up. Xande uses this time to side step to the other side drop his ribs on his opponent's ribs to establish side control.Add to Favorites 613 Remove From Favorites 1810 days ago
Here Xande emphasizes the importance of not stopping in the middle when he switches his hips after turning his opponent for the wheel pass. He back steps with the turn, and his hips end up facing his opponent. Then switches very quick to face the other direction and get his hip on his opponent's hip.