Inside the University 686 - Speed Takedown Drills

Inside the University 686 - Speed Takedown Drills

Add to Favorites Remove From Favorites 595 1956 days ago

In preparation for the Pan Ams, Xande begins class with some takedown drills. The objective here is to react to your opponent's takedown attempt by immediately taking him down after he goes.

Inside the University 685 - Triangle from Tornado Guard

Inside the University 685 - Triangle from Tornado Guard

Add to Favorites 552 Remove From Favorites 1958 days ago

Starting off in a knee shield guard, Rene spins and inverts to a tornado guard, and his opponent begins to smash him. Rene frees his leg from between his opponent's legs and brings it under the armpit. Now he uses the same motion as the previous drill to spin and lock his triangle. One important note is to work on your flexibility if you wish to be proficient at the tornado guard in general.

Inside the University 684 - Inverting to Set Up the Triangle

Inside the University 684 - Inverting to Set Up the Triangle

Add to Favorites 555 Remove From Favorites 1960 days ago

Now Rene shows a triangle set up he uses when his opponent steps over his head to a kind of standing north-south position. He throws his legs back, crossing them with one across the neck and the other under the armpit. Now he uses his legs to turn himself to his opponent and bites with his legs. Now he can adjust and finish the triangle.

Inside the University 683 - Kimura Trap from Triangle

Inside the University 683 - Kimura Trap from Triangle

Add to Favorites 489 Remove From Favorites 1961 days ago

In this case, after Rene bites his triangle, his opponent defends by hiding his arm. Now he grabs the elbow and the wrist, and torques the arm as he would a Kimura. His opponent may tap to the Kimura, or he may straighten his arm to defend, in which case Rene drags the arm across and finishes the triangle.

Inside the University 682 - Fine Tuning Your Triangle

Inside the University 682 - Fine Tuning Your Triangle

Add to Favorites 555 Remove From Favorites 1962 days ago

Polishing up some details on the triangle, Rene first shows that he does not want to keep his hips off the mat very long or his opponent will have an easier time smashing him. When he grabs his safety lock, he makes sure that both feet are flexed and pointing up. He brings his heels down, knees together and then knees to his chest to make the triangle as tight as possible. If he does all this correctly, he should not have to pull the head down to finish.

Inside the University 681 - Finishing the Triangle

Inside the University 681 - Finishing the Triangle

Add to Favorites 547 Remove From Favorites 1963 days ago

Now Rene breaks down the details of finishing the triangle after he bites and locks his legs in the diamond position. He drags the inside arm across to the other side, and reaches up to grab his shin and make his safety lock. His other foot goes on the hip to readjust his position so he can lock his triangle tight and finish the choke.

Inside the University 680 - Triangle Drills

Inside the University 680 - Triangle Drills

Add to Favorites 486 Remove From Favorites 1964 days ago

To start off his lesson on triangles, Professor Rene shows a couple drills you can do to warm up and get the mobility needed to set up your triangles. The first is the double crunch drill with a partner, and the second is one you can do on your own, using the same movements.

Victor Hugo Series 8 - Sitting Up to Take the Back

Victor Hugo Series 8 - Sitting Up to Take the Back

Add to Favorites 542 Remove From Favorites 1965 days ago

This time after setting up the chair sweep, his opponent steps over to the negative half guard and sits back to keep his weight heavy on the mat. Now instead of inverting, Victor kicks his leg forward to sit up. With his elbow posted on the mat, he escapes his hips to free his leg and slides his way to the back where he can establish control.

Victor Hugo Series 7 - Inverting to Take the Back

Victor Hugo Series 7 - Inverting to Take the Back

Add to Favorites 540 Remove From Favorites 1966 days ago

Victor sets up his chair sweep again, and now his opponent steps over his head to negative half guard. While still gripping the belt, Victor kicks his outside leg back and inverts, inserting his leg with his shin on his opponent's ribs. Now he just kicks and like a berimbolo motion comes to the back and locks his seat belt grip.

Victor Hugo Series 6 - Back Take from X-Guard

Victor Hugo Series 6 - Back Take from X-Guard

Add to Favorites 481 Remove From Favorites 1968 days ago

Going through the same sequence as before, Victor gets to the X-guard and brings his opponent's leg over his head. However, instead of standing up, this time his opponent stays down on his knee. Victor moves his arm that is grabbing the belt from inside the thigh to the back and uses his elbow to push his opponent away. He slides his knee behind the leg and hooks the thigh with both his feet. Next he extends his lower hook, forcing his opponent to sit, and locks his seat belt grip. From here he throws both of his hooks in place to establish back control.

Victor Hugo Series 5 - X-Guard Sweep to Leg Drag

Victor Hugo Series 5 - X-Guard Sweep to Leg Drag

Add to Favorites 509 Remove From Favorites 1969 days ago

Using the same setup as before, Victor goes to the chair sweep and then spins to establish the X-guard. This time his opponent keeps more pressure and doesn't allow Victor to push him away for the sweep. Now Victor pulls the top leg over his head and grabs the belt, trapping the leg with his arm. His opponent stands up to prevent Victor from going to his back, but now he can easily knock him backward and come to the top in a perfect leg drag position.

Victor Hugo Series 4 - Chair Sweep Setup to X-Guard Sweep

Victor Hugo Series 4 - Chair Sweep Setup to X-Guard Sweep

Add to Favorites 552 Remove From Favorites 1970 days ago

From an open guard with a collar and pants grip, Victor hooks his inside foot behind the thigh and pulls his opponent to make him step forward. Next he extends his leg and then bumps behind his opponent's other leg, forcing him to base on the mat and giving Victor the opportunity to swim his arm between the legs and get a deep half guard. He lets go of his pants grip and grabs under the leg to a chair sweep position, causing his opponent to lean forward to defend the sweep. Now he blocks the hips with his arm, spins to face his opponent while sliding his knee in between them. Here he has the leverage to place his X-guard hooks and push his opponent away so he can stand up and finish the sweep, ready to pass the guard.