JJU 13-0 to 13-1 Footlock Escape

JJU 13-0 to 13-1 Footlock Escape

Add to Favorites 1285 Remove From Favorites 4013 days ago

Saulo teaches how to escape from the straight ankle footlock and stresses the importance of anticipation to successfully set up the escape. The idea of the escape is to change the angle of your foot before your opponent falls back so that they are unable to finish the submission.

JJU 13-1 Footlock Escape from Guard

JJU 13-1 Footlock Escape from Guard

Add to Favorites 1167 Remove From Favorites 4142 days ago

This video contains lesson 13-1 from page 92 of the JJU book and covers how to escape from the footlock submission from the guard.

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