Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 11 - Putting It All Together

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 11 - Putting It All Together

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Bruno now chains all the techniques in this series together, starting with the guard pass and finishing with the armbar.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 10 - Armbar Counter to the Hitchhiker Escape

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 10 - Armbar Counter to the Hitchhiker Escape

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Bruno starts with the armbar secured, but his opponent tries to escape using the common hitchhiker escape. When his opponent turns, Bruno places his foot on the hip and his shin across the neck, with his knee pointed down. He pushes off the hip to get on his shoulder and bring his leg over the head. He continues to roll, forcing his opponent to roll as well, ending up in position to finish the armbar again.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 9 - Armbar from the Back

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 9 - Armbar from the Back

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Bruno is on his opponent's back with the seat belt grip, and when he opens the collar to get his choke grip, his opponent grabs his arm and pulls it over his head. Bruno immediately grabs the wrist and then his own wrist, like a kimura grip, using his elbow to block the head. Next he brings his foot to the hip and his other leg goes across the body. Now he can throw his leg over the head and lay back to finish the armbar.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 8 - Bow and Arrow Choke from Back

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 8 - Bow and Arrow Choke from Back

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From the back, Bruno opens the collar and slides his choking hand as deep as he can. He places his same side foot on the hip, and his free hand reaches to grab under the knee and pull the leg to him. Next, he moves his foot from the hip and throws his leg over the shoulder and closes his elbow to finish the choke. It is important that he keeps his chest tight to his opponent's body, as to not give him space to escape.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 7 - Maintaining Back Control

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 7 - Maintaining Back Control

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Bruno has the back, and his opponent tries to escape by jumping to the other side and freeing the bottom hook. It is important that Bruno does not let him move his head to the other side of his head. Using his free foot, Bruno pushes off the mat to bridge on his shoulder and bring his knee to his elbow. From here, he can sit down and make the space to replace his second hook.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 6 - Back Take from Side Control

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 6 - Back Take from Side Control

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Bruno's opponent turns away from him in an effort to escape side control, so Bruno immediately grabs the collar and controls the body with his elbow. He pulls down and then lets his opponent turn, chasing his back and feeding the bottom hook under the leg as he rolls. Now he pulls his opponent back on his side, makes the seat belt grip and gets his second hook.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 5 - Side Control Transition Stepping Over Head

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 5 - Side Control Transition Stepping Over Head

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Bruno's opponent shrimps again trying to escape side control, and Bruno keeps his hand controlling the hip. He steps his foot over the head, and as he drops his knee behind the back, his other knee comes up. Keeping the hips trapped with his elbow, Bruno back steps as he swims his other arm inside his opponent's arm to get the cross face and establish side control.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 4 - Side Control Jumping Transition

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 4 - Side Control Jumping Transition

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From side control, Bruno's opponent shrimps, so Bruno bases with his near knee up and he pushes his opponent's top knee down, trapping the bottom leg with it. He puts his weight in his arms and jumps over the legs to the other side. His knee goes under his opponent's legs and he pulls him flat on his back before getting the cross face and securing side control.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 3 - Shin Slice to Jump Pass

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 3 - Shin Slice to Jump Pass

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Bruno begins this position by passing the reverse De La Riva guard with the shin slice again, but this time his opponent shrimps before he can establish the pass. Keeping his grips on the collar and pants, Bruno lowers his head to the mat next his opponent's shoulder, and keeps his weight on it as he jumps to the other side. He lands with his knee in the hip and now he can establish side control.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 2 - Reverse De La Riva Guard Pass

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 2 - Reverse De La Riva Guard Pass

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From inside his opponent's reverse De La Riva guard, Bruno makes grips on the collar and pants, keeping his elbow closed to avoid his opponent bringing his knee inside or making a lasso. He turns his knee in to break the hook, and slices his shin across the shin, and passes to knee on belly, keeping his grips the whole time.

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 1 - Interview

Bruno Malfacine Sequential Drilling 1 - Interview

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In this series, 8X World Champion, Bruno Malfacine teaches many techniques that he eventually chains all together into one long sequential drill. Here he discusses why he likes to drill in this fashion, and also talks about his background in Jiu-Jitsu.

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