AJ Sousa Series 11 - Leg Lasso Spider Guard Sweep

AJ Sousa Series 11 - Leg Lasso Spider Guard Sweep

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Concluding his series, AJ shows his favorite sweep using his leg lasso guard. From spider guard, he throws the leg lasso on one arm and keeps his other foot in the other biceps. He then moves the foot in the biceps to the hip and pushes his opponent away, before undoing his leg lasso and changing it to a regular foot in the biceps hook. His foot on the hip goes to the ground to help bring his opponent forward. Next he brings his leg to the back of his opponent's thigh, grabs his ankles and sweeps him backward.

AJ Sousa Series 10 - De La Riva Leg Lasso Sweep

AJ Sousa Series 10 - De La Riva Leg Lasso Sweep

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AJ shows a sweep he uses when he has the leg lasso, and his opponent drives his knee down to put pressure on him. With both grips on his opponent's sleeves, AJ pushes his opponent away to make space for him to use his leg lasso as a De La Riva hook. Next he places his free foot on the mat, tips his opponent over to the leg lasso side, and comes up to establish side control.

AJ Sousa Series 9 - Armbar as a Counter Attack to the Kimura

AJ Sousa Series 9 - Armbar as a Counter Attack to the Kimura

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AJ shows the armbar he used to finish Vitor Schlosser in the BJJ Library Challenge. As AJ was attempting to pass Vitor's guard, Vitor grabbed a kimura grip on AJ's arm, so AJ spun around Vitor's head and went straight for the armbar. AJ emphasizes the importance of speed for this position.

AJ Sousa Series 8 - Flying Triangle / Armbar

AJ Sousa Series 8 - Flying Triangle / Armbar

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AJ shows the flying triangle/armbar setup he used to finish Brian Mingia and Dennis Hallman in the BJJ LIbrary Challenge. AJ typically jumps and goes for the triangle lock, but finishes with the armbar. The triangle choke, however, is also an option.

AJ Sousa Series 7 - Finishing a Choke from the Omoplata

AJ Sousa Series 7 - Finishing a Choke from the Omoplata

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AJ starts with the omoplata, reaches over his opponent's back to grab his lapel, and also grabs the triceps of the locked arm. Next he pushes off the mat to roll over his opponent, and controls the other arm in an omoplata crucifix type position. From here, he can either scoot his hips away to finish the omoplata, or feed the lapel to his hand and finish the choke.

AJ Sousa Series 6 - Finishing an Armbar from the Omoplata

AJ Sousa Series 6 - Finishing an Armbar from the Omoplata

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AJ shows how he likes to finish an armbar from the omoplata. First he makes grips on his opponent's pants and belt for control. Next he tightens his triangle with his legs to pinch tight on the arm. From here he grabs hold of the wrist and finishes the straight armbar.

AJ Sousa Series 5 - Sweep to Counter the Knee Cut Pass

AJ Sousa Series 5 - Sweep to Counter the Knee Cut Pass

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AJ shows a sweep from the half guard he uses when people try to pass his guard with the knee cut. First he controls grips on his opponent's pants and collar, and then pulls and pushes him away, allowing him the space to stand up and take his opponent down.

AJ Sousa Series 4 - Half Guard Sweep to Omoplata

AJ Sousa Series 4 - Half Guard Sweep to Omoplata

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AJ Sousa shows a half guard sweep using his knee shield. First he loads his opponent's weight on top of him, then rocks him over to the side and immediately attacks the omoplata.

AJ Sousa Series 3 - Knee Cut Guard Pass

AJ Sousa Series 3 - Knee Cut Guard Pass

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AJ Sousa shows his favorite way to use the knee cut guard pass. He starts standing with his opponent playing open guard, and controls his opponent's hips, taking him to one side. From here he establishes control and pressure, before cutting his knee through to pass to side control.

AJ Sousa Series 2 - Defending the Over-Under Pass

AJ Sousa Series 2 - Defending the Over-Under Pass

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AJ Sousa shows how he likes to defend and replace his guard when his opponent tries the over-under guard pass on him. First he blocks his opponent's hip, and then swims his arm under his own leg, and uses the leverage to create space and replace the half guard with his leg.

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