Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 5 - Setting Up the 50/50 Guard

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 5 - Setting Up the 50/50 Guard

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Luiz shows several of his favorite ways to set up the 50/50 guard from various positions, including open guard, closed guard and when your opponent is passing your guard.

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 4 - Foot Lock from De La Riva and 50/50 Guard

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 4 - Foot Lock from De La Riva and 50/50 Guard

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Using the same principles he showed in the anatomy of the foot lock, Luiz shows how he likes to attack the foot lock from the De La Riva guard and from the 50/50 guard.

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 3 - Anatomy of the Foot Lock

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 3 - Anatomy of the Foot Lock

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Luiz explains the details needed to finish a foot lock. The key is to put the blade of your forearm on underneath your opponent's calf, right where it meets his achillies tendon. Luiz grabs his near side lapel and closes his elbow, squeezing the toes. Now he crosses his leg over and pinches his feet together, leans on his elbow, and turns belly down to finish the foot lock.

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 2 - Interview Part 2

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 2 - Interview Part 2

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Saulo aks Luiz about his recent injury of a broken leg, his recovery and his plans for the future.

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 1 - Interview Part 1

Luiz Panza Foot Locks and 50/50 Guard 1 - Interview Part 1

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Saulo sits down with Pan American Champion, Luiz Panza, and they discuss his history in Jiu-Jitsu and how he joined team Checkmat.

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