Inside the University 645 - Saulo Sparring

Inside the University 645 - Saulo Sparring

Add to Favorites 563 Remove From Favorites 2016 days ago

Saulo spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 644 - Xande Sparring

Inside the University 644 - Xande Sparring

Add to Favorites 571 Remove From Favorites 2017 days ago

Xande spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 643 - Saulo Sparring

Inside the University 643 - Saulo Sparring

Add to Favorites 642 Remove From Favorites 2018 days ago

Saulo spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 642 - Xande Sparring

Inside the University 642 - Xande Sparring

Add to Favorites 593 Remove From Favorites 2020 days ago

Xande spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 641 - Saulo Sparring

Inside the University 641 - Saulo Sparring

Add to Favorites 556 Remove From Favorites 2022 days ago

Saulo spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 640 - Xande Sparring

Inside the University 640 - Xande Sparring

Add to Favorites 617 Remove From Favorites 2023 days ago

Xande spars with student before European Championship.

Inside the University 639 - Saulo and Xande Pre European Championship Speech

Inside the University 639 - Saulo and Xande Pre European Championship Speech

Add to Favorites 594 Remove From Favorites 2024 days ago

To begin the last training session before the European Championship, Saulo and Xande give some words on competing together and what the future holds.

Inside the University 638 - Xande and Victor Hugo Sparring

Inside the University 638 - Xande and Victor Hugo Sparring

Add to Favorites 625 Remove From Favorites 2025 days ago

Xande spars with student Victor Hugo in preparation for European Championship.

Inside the University 637 - Saulo and Papaleguas Sparring

Inside the University 636 - Side Stepping

Inside the University 636 - Side Stepping

Add to Favorites 717 Remove From Favorites 2027 days ago

Saulo shows the importance of stepping your leg up to the side as oppose to turning your body to face the side. When he steps to the side, it's almost as if he's circling his opponent from inside the guard.

Inside the University 635 - Opening the Closed Guard

Inside the University 635 - Opening the Closed Guard

Add to Favorites 806 Remove From Favorites 2029 days ago

From inside his opponent's guard, Saulo places both hands under the rib cage, shimmies his way back on his knees and steps his leg up to the side. His same side arm stays attached to his body while his other hand pushes at the belt. He moves himself forward diagonally and stands up his other leg, keeping a solid base. Now his hand on the belt moves across to grab the pants at the hip, and he pushes himself back to open the guard and begin his pass.

Inside the University 634 - Xande and Nick Schrock Sparring